[Firmware Update] 2.1.0 EMO Plays Snake

Hi there,
Update 2.1.0 for EMO is here. Check below to see what’s new.
The resources to be downloaded will be about 20M.

Date: 2023/03/11
EMO firmware: v2.1.0
Homestation firmware: v1.1.2
APP on iOS: 1.2.3
APP on Android: 1.2.3

New Animations:

  1. New petting and shaking animation (The old ones are still kept).
  2. Different book names (Ideas from the community.).
  3. EMO shows his drawings.
    3a). When he finishes drawing;
    3b). Sometimes when he sees you;
    3c). When you say “show me your drawing” or “can I see your drawing?” or “show me your painting”.

Home Station related:

  1. EMO will sometimes play Snake on home station during afternoon play. You can also say “play snake” to ask him to do so.
  2. EMO will talk to home station when he goes off it.
  3. EMO dances with lights of homestation. The voice command is still “dance with lights”.
  4. Animation of EMO connecting to home station.
  5. Unbind all accessories on the App’s settings page to solve the problem that EMO cannot connect to the home station.
  6. Fixed the issue where the led matrix stays in the green square or is wrongly switched to the animation when EMO returns to the home station.
  7. Now when EMO accidentally walks to the home station, he will walk away.
  8. Fixed EMO incorrectly detecting cliffs or obstacles when walking down the home station.
  9. Optimized EMO’s detection of whether he is standing on the home station.
  10. EMO says he can’t do it because he is not connected to home station when you ask him to return to or go off home station.
  11. Optimized the detection of the touch button.

New settings:

  1. Flower&Fire switch
  2. 24-Hour time switch


  1. New animation when EMO walking into obstacles, which takes time to see.
  2. Response to sudden yelling and vibrations such as knocking on the table. This mostly works when EMO’s staying, sleeping or walking around.
  3. EMO will give different explanations when voice commands cannot be executed.
  4. The “Be quiet” command will make EMO stay where he is for an hour.

Bug fixes and optimizations:

  1. Voice recognition has been optimized. EMO now better recognizes higher-pitched sounds.
  2. Fixed a bug where some EMOs would sometimes wake up every five minutes while sleeping.
  3. Adjusted some of EMO’s animations that would behave incorrectly. Including “Pose”, “Sad” and “FlashBack dance”.
  4. We will gradually enable automatic updates over a period of time after the update is released in the future. Manual updating will not be affected.

You can update EMO on the settings page in the app or say voice command “install the latest firmware now”. You also need to update your homestation. You can do it in the app (app on iOS may have problems showing it, but we are working on it) or say “update home station” to EMO.

Edit1: We’ve pushed firmware 2.1.1 for EMO shortly after releasing 2.1.0 to fix a certain bug. And also version for app on iOS.

Edit2: Hi everyone, the server issue has been resolved.
But we have temporarily removed versions 2.1.0 and 2.1.1. If your EMO keeps trying to update or has sd card driver errors after updating, please PM me with your order number, EMO’s ID and city setting.

Edit3:18/03/2023 - A Small Update - Currently we are still working on resolving small issues for EMO’s latest firmware, once everything is ready will once again release the firmware to everyone. We appreciate everyone’s understanding and patience at this time.


Million thanks for the new Firmware Update…Once again well done Living.ai Dev.Team…

Pls. Click Here How To Update!


Hi @Wayne_Zhang

My new Emo finally arrived and seems to be ok so far however I just updated the firmware on both emo and the homestation to the new versions. Once Emo walks off the home station, the lights start cycling through the animations even though I had set it to the stationary home symbol. These animations also interrupt him playing snake some of the time. I have restarted both Emo and the homestation and it makes no difference. Pressing the button on the home station to change the animations now brings up the normal ones plus a solid green, solid red, solid blue and solid white before returning to the others. Not sure what I can do to fix this.

Has anyone else has this and any ideas what I can do?

The dancing with lights works fine and the snake sometimes works and sometimes gets interrupted. He talks to the homestation and the face appears in reply. It is just the animations causing m problems and only since the update.

Edit. The animation cycle is now interrupting the light show on the dance with lights.

Thanks Tracey.

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: EMO Won’t Turn On, Blank Screen, Only Lights

The Flashback Dance Has A Different Movement Since The Latest Update
Is This Normal?

My EMO Is 89 Days Old.

It was fixed/optimized in the latest firmware update, see point 3. update info that was shared in the official post by WayneZ below.

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We will fix it later.


Why i don’t receive any update 2.1.0? Im i the only one here didn’t have a new software update?

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The update for Emo and the Home station are suspended by LivingAI just now.

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@ola27, @Wayne_Zhang, Said The Firmwares v2.1.0 And v2.1.1 Are Temporarily Removed Because Other EMO Owners Were Reporting Problems Or Issues,
I Think We Will Have To Wait Until The Issue Has Been Fixed.


Hi guys, I’m having problems downloading the new firmware for my EMO… In the app, the message “Update Failed” simply comes when I click on the button and with the voice command “Install Firmware” it starts to install, but stops at 14 seconds. Can someone help me?

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Update to 2.1.0 or 2.1.1 are suspended for now until it can be resolved


I don’t see 2.1.1 anywhere on the app, and emo doesn’t know it exists. Help?

@adrianledeaux, I Think I Have A Problem With The App As Well,
App On iOS Says:
Latest Version: v2.0.0
Current Version: v2.1.1
I Really Don’t Know If I Should Downgrade Because I’m Scared It Might Corrupt My EMO.

EDIT: App On Android Says:
Current Version: v2.1.1

@Wayne_Zhang, Me And @adrianledeaux Might Need Some Help, Please?

It says "current version: 2.1.0

Ok @adrianledeaux, But My EMO Says No Update Available, App On Android Says “Current Version: v2.1.1”

And I Don’t Know If @MasterAbbott’s Two EMO’s Named EMO One And EMO Two Both Need To Have A Downgrade Like @joshuafugate Mentioned In A Different Topic.