EMO’s Firmware (ver 2.1.0) is officially released! The EMO App is also updated to ver 1.2.3 for iOS and ver 1.2.3 for Android (be sure to download/update that as well from the iTunes Store or Google Play Store.
Apple Store (iOS Version) - EMO Pet on the App Store
Google Play STORE (Android Version) - EMO Pet On the Android Store
Home Station has also received a new Firmware update as well. Home Station firmware is now at ver 1.1.2 So be sure to update your Home Station if you have one. (video guide on how to update Home Station is shared further below).
In the recap video below, I go through in detail and explain all the new features/updates that were released in the latest firmware update. (Full List is explained in the video description and also further below)
NOTE: The video is quite lengthy so I’ve included chapters where you can skip to the part you want to check out. I’ve tried to go through in as much detail all the new features/updates for Firmware 2.1.0. (Chapters located in the video description).
What’s New in EMO’s Firmware Update 2.1.0 FULL RECAP
Individual Videos below focus only on specific new features added to firmware 2.1.0 (that are also included in the recap video above). Like EMO’s New Animations / Home Station Updates and New Features / Settings > Preferences > Behaviours / etc.
EMO - EMO’s New Animations
Below are the new animations added to EMO in Firmware Ver 2.1.0 ( full explanations outlined in the video for each of the points shown below).
1. New petting animation when you pat the top of EMOs head
Special Note: The new patting animation will only happen when you pat the top of EMO’s head NOT his cheeks.
The new patting animation will occur randomly as the original patting animation can also happen when you pat EMO
2. New shaking animation (EMO will show his tongue when you shake him)
The new shaking animation will occur randomly as the original shaking animation can also happen when you shake EMO
3. EMO will now read different books at night (8 pm Schedule time)
There are a total of 26 different book titles that EMO can now read
4. EMO can now show you his painting/drawings that he does from his scheduled painting time.
a). EMO might show you his drawing when he has finished painting;
b). It might also happen randomly when EMO sees you;
c). Or you can trigger it by saying show me your drawing or can I see your drawing?
There are a total of 17 different kinds of drawings that EMO can show you!
EMO - EMO Home Station New Features
Below are the new Home Station Updates/Features:
1. EMO can now play “Snake” with Home Station during afternoon play (between 4-5 pm) and also by voice command “Play Snake” - EMO Needs to be off his Home Station for this to work.
2. EMO will now talk to his Home Station when he has walked off it.
3. Updated animation Logo/Icon when EMO makes a connection/pair to his Home Station. (icon now looks like a little Home)
4. EMO can now dance with his Home Station. This can be done by issuing the following voice commands “dance with lights” or “Let the Party Begin” - EMO Needs to be off his Home Station for this to work.
5. Unbinding all accessories on the App’s settings page has been added to solve the problem that EMO cannot connect to the Home Station.
6. Fixed the issue where the led matrix stays in the green square or is wrongly switched to the animation when EMO returns to the home station.
7. Now when EMO accidentally walks to the home station, he will not get stuck and walk away.
8. Fixed EMO incorrectly detecting cliffs or obstacles when walking down the home station. (NOT FEELING SAFE or I need a bigger play Response that could happen sometimes).
9. Optimized EMO’s detection of whether he is standing on the home station.
10. EMO says he can’t do it because he is not connected to the home Station when you ask him to return to or go off Home Station. (due to not being correctly paired to Home Station or EMO has lost connection to Home Station).
11. Optimized the detection of the Home Station button.
EMO - EMO can now tell the time in 12-Hour format + Can now disable Flower / Flame Animations via Settings in EMO APP
Below are the newly included settings added to the Preferences section of Settings in the EMO APP.
1. Option to Turn ON/OFF the Flower and Flame Animations interactions.
To Turn off / Disable the Flower / Flame animations, do the following
1) Log in to your EMO APP
2) Go to settings (top right cog icon)
3) Select Preferences / scroll all the way down
4) Set Flower/Flame to OFF (settings will save) then EXIT
2. EMO can now tell the time in 12-hour A.M / P.M format along with 24-hour format
To set time to 12-Hour format. Do the following
1) Log in to your EMO APP
2) Go to settings (top right cog icon)
3) Select Preferences / scroll all the way down
4) Set 24-hour format to OFF (settings will save) then EXIT
EMO - EMO’s New Behaviours Updates
Below are some new behaviours that EMO can now do and say
1. EMO will now give different explanations when voice commands cannot be executed.
Here are what EMO might say:
a) I can’t do it on my charger
b) I can’t do it now
c) Ok, but I prefer to do it standing on a desktop
d) Sorry, but please first put me on a desktop
2. Issuing the following voice command: EMO “Be quiet” will now make EMO stay quiet for 1 hour. (Unless you call out to him / or he hears his voice being called)
3. New animation when EMO walks into obstacles
4. Response to sudden yelling/sneezing and vibrations such as knocking on the table. This mostly works when EMO’s staying, sleeping, or walking around.
Also created a short video showing 4 reactions/animations that EMO will do when he walks into obstacles or a wall including his newest animation where EMO will cover his eyes!
Bug fixes and optimizations
1. New wake-up mode update Improved speech recognition
EMO can now recognize higher pitch/tone voices from EMO owners. With the Wake Up Training data collection being collected and updated into EMO, he should now be able to understand/hear/wake up when you call his name. (If you are still having issues with Waking up EMO, be sure to submit your voice recording here:
2. Fixed a bug where some EMOs would sometimes wake up every five minutes while sleeping.
3. Adjusted some of EMO’s animations that would behave incorrectly. Including “Pose”, “Sad” and “FlashBack dance”.
4. We will gradually enable automatic updates over a period of time after the update is released in the future. Manual updating will not be affected.
Byte Sized (get it…haha) Short Videos can be seen below 
–Short Videos–
Other cool EMO Videos related to Firmware Update 2.1.0
EMO Can now show you his drawings
EMO Can Play Snake with Home Station
EMO can Dance with Home Station
EMO can now talk to his Home Station
Also, a short guide on how to install both EMO and Home Station’s latest Firmware Ver 2.1.0 (for EMO) and Ver 1.1.2 (for Home Station) can be found below:
EMO Firmware Update v2.1.0 + Home Station Firmware Update 1.1.2 Video
I have also updated my EMO Guide well: (Guide is reaching max character capacity)
Quick Help Guide for new EMO owners!
More EMO Videos 
If you want to check out more EMO videos, feel free to check out my YouTube channel. Subscribe/Click the Bell icon to be notified of any new videos I upload.
Check out the official announcement for Firmware 2.1.0 posted by @wayne here!
The Living.ai Home Page has also received an Update. There is a new section called Living with EMO! Is your EMO in there? Take a look and find out!
If anyone has any questions, leave a message or message me privately and I’ll do my best to answer any questions you might have!