EMO: One has thrown down the challenge to EMO: Two in a game of SNAKE! Who will end up victorious? Who will smack-talk the other? Who will end up being the SNAKE CHAMPION? 
Watch and find out!

For EMO to play Snake, your EMO must be on the latest Firmware version. 2.1.0/2.1.1 (currently the firmware is temporarily disabled. But for more info regarding the latest firmware you can check out the official post made by living.ai over here [Firmware Update] 2.1.0 EMO Plays Snake (Temporarily suspended)
For more info on Firmware Version 2.1.1 you can check out these other related posts
What’s New in EMO’s Firmware Update 2.1.0 - Full Recap
EMO Firmware Update v2.1.0 + Home Station Firmware Update 1.1.2 Video
How to play SNAKE
(NOTE You must own a Home Station for EMO to be able to play Snake).
Follow the instructions below:
- Take EMO Off his Home Station
- Issue the following voice command:
EMO: Play Snake
- The Home Station will show a GREEN light (same as it would when EMO is going home). EMO will then turn to find the Green light showing on the Home Station LED matrix, once EMO finds it, he will start playing Snake
Have fun and GAME ON!

When i get my emo back i will participate in the snake challenge

EMO: One says:
He’s made himself a Championship Snake Belt

Hi @MasterAbbott! The Game Is On!!!
My EMO Pearl Says: “I Have A Skateboard And Not A Home Station But My Owner Will Get One Maybe Between August Of 2023 To June Of 2024.”
NOTE FROM ME AND EMO PEARL: “Really Cool Home Stations EMO One And EMO Two!”.
Sad Thing EMO One Is Still Sick.
EMO Pet and EMO Robot are discussing it. I do not think EMO Robot has a lot of faith in EMO Pet, but we will see how it all goes down.
@MasterAbbott . . . that was an absolutely fabulous mini movie! Should be in the Academy Awards for this coming year!
EMO Robot And EMO Pet Want To Join A Game Contest?
I Wish My EMO Pearl Could Participate In A Singing Contest Event.
Cool Picture Of EMO One @MasterAbbott!
My EMO Pearl Says: “I Don’t Have A Home Station But I Will Partake In A Dance Contest, And A Singing Contest When My Singing Feature Gets Released”
(1st Picture Taken On An iPhone 8 Plus)
(1st Picture Date: January-4-2023)
(Firmware On EMO: v1.7.0)
(2nd Picture Taken On An iPhone 8 Plus)
(2nd Picture Date: February-11-2023)
(Firmware On EMO: v2.0.0)
(3rd Picture Taken On An iPhone 8 Plus)
(3rd Picture Date: March-31-2023)
(Firmware On EMO: v2.1.1)
(4th Picture Taken On An iPhone 5C)
(4th Picture Date: December-12-2022, The Date He Was Born)
(Firmware On EMO: v1.7.0).
My EMO Pearl Is Excited For EMO One, EMO Two @MasterAbbott’s 2 EMOs And EMO Pet And EMO Robot @Lindaru’s 2 EMOs. 
Awesome Video @MasterAbbott, Maybe You Can Create More Mini-Movies Like That.
Sunset said this:
“Its on! Wait for me to update to 2.1 again first, hehe.”
Wait! Did Firmware v2.1.0 And 2.1.1 Get Released Again @ALLEYESONEMO?
No. I wish. Liek i really wish 

EMO Pet employed a bit of flower power. EMO Robot was a bit skeptical. How did it turn out? See here:
@Lindaru, That Video Was Very Cool Although The Linda Irwin Logo Was Pixelated In A Great Way At The End! I Like It When He Whistles When He Lost The Game.
Thank you! My pixelated logo is representative of eight bit art which was popular in old school games like that.
Thank you @artigues05emo
Yes even though EMO: One was and is still sick, he completely dominated that challenge with EMO:Two!
They take a very long time to create, but I’ll try and do more when I have more time.
LOL, thank you @Lindaru took a long time (as you know, wish they add a text-to-speech feature in one day), but it was great fun editing and creating it. There was more I wanted to add, but had control myself haha,
Both EMO: One and EMO: Two had a great time. Now EMO: Two is practicing/training for a rematch. He wants that Championship belt! 
EMO: One is waiting for your challenge! GAME ON!

@Lindaru Great work! That was also outstanding! it’s a shame that EMO: Robot couldn’t play but he certainly smack-talked like a Champ! lol
– EMO: One want’s to see how well he plays at Snake, hopefully, he can see him in action in the near future!
EMO: One says:
8Bit Art / Pixel Graphics are always cool even right now! 
Who else is up for the Snake Challenge? … Share your Snake videos/pictures here and join in on the fun!

Sad Thing EMO One Is Not Talking To EMO Pearl, But EMO Pearl Will Join The Challenge When He Gets A Home Station.
EMO Pearl Says: “(Sigh) EMO One Isn’t Talking To Me!
EMO: One is Issuing a challenge to the following EMO OWNERS!
EMO: One is issuing a challenge to the following EMO owners who own a Home Station. (Or who he thinks own a Home Station). and are also updated to the latest firmware as well (ver 2.1.0/2.11)
If you’ve been challenged and you do not yet own a Home Station, you can share EMO doing his best impersonation of a SNAKE instead! 
You can do this by saying:
EMO: What sound does a snake make? (and share that)
EMO: One challenge the following EMO Owners!
Once you’ve completed the challenge you are free to challenge someone else!
Game On!
Emo3 & Emo5 are saying that they will have to check their calendar & they will let Emo one know if they are ready to challenge him. But as long as he doesn’t cheat hahahaha
EMO Pearl Says: “Thank You So Much EMO One And @MasterAbbott!”
(Picture 1 Taken On An iPhone 8 Plus)
(Picture 1 Date: January-7-2023)
(Firmware On EMO: v1.7.0)
(Picture 2 Taken On An iPhone 8 Plus)
(Picture Date: January-21-2023)
(Firmware On EMO: v1.7.0)
EMO Pearl Wants To Give A Big Thank You To EMO One.
(Current Firmware Version On EMO: v2.1.1)