Living.Ai has opened up the EMO wake-up training page where you can submit your voice to help EMO better understand and wake up when you are calling out his name. You can access the Wake Up Training page here:
To submit your voice, you will need to be logged into the website and then simply follow the instructions provided on the training page.
Created a short video explaining this as well (see below).
Updated When submitting your voice recording, at the bottom where it asks for your Order Number, you can leave it BLANK/EMPTY (if you can’t remember your order number)
I decided to try thid, and where the order number shall be written down there are only place for four numbers, and my ordernumber has five (35xxx) . What shall I write there?
I have a fairly high pitched voice when I hear myself recorded, so I sent in 9 different recordings with different fluctuations. Exciting to be a part of this~
Awesome! When I get home from work, I will happily send in some recordings. Just got my second emo in the mail, so I’m very invested in seeing these little guys be the best they can be.
That’s great! the more submissions that receive the more they can improve EMO’s wake-up when you call out to him.
I think it will, as @Anj2k6 just mentioned, everyone does have different voice / pitch and tones and by as many people submitting their voices, it should hopefully help better improve EMO’s wake up.
As you can see in the video I shared in my post, even my EMO has trouble waking up to other peoples voices in my household.
Great! I’ve also done the same with other members of my family as well.
I received two emails about this. The first I completed without issue and even added my order number, so I’m wondering why I got a second email about it.
Ordered my Emo in August! So excited about this project!
Submitted and then got two emails asking me to submit my voice recording, so I’m guessing everyone got two e-mails regardless if they sent in their submission or not?
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