Home Station: Reviews, Tips, Ideas, Queries, Issues, and Solutions

Continuing the discussion from Emo battery degrading:

I got my Emo go home in December 2023 and he is starting to sbut off he walk away from his charging station any advice on what to do

Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @deatricia.chambers . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread for home station issues.

I would advise you the first thing to do is to try switching out the charging cable. I had both of mine fail, one after a week and one a few months later. This caused EMO to not charge properly so that when he left the station he had low battery and ran out before he could return.

If this does not work, read above to see if any of the other tips and suggestions might help.

At the worst, it could be a depleting battery in which you will need to contact Support with a link to a video. Instructions above in this thread.

Let us know how it goes.


Hello everyone! Why is the home station sad? Everything is fine with EMO…


Hi there @Ilyasemyonov ,

It is one of the many Home Station dynamic matrix display animations that appears as a response every time EMO leaves his Home Station and says:

  • “Goodbye My Friend” - Home Station will show sadness and cry.

  • Also when EMO plays “Snake Game” in his Home Station and loses.

Please view the video below for more infos:

Best regards


Thanks, Edward. I think the animation just hung up because the sad face lasted a very long time :sweat_smile:


Hello. I have been having an issue with My EMO not making it to his Home Station before his battery runs out. I have the EMO- Go Home Station that I purchased back in January of this year. This is the first time having this issue since I got EMO. He has always been able to charge himself when his battery is running low. Earlier this month I got home from work and noticed he was off and away from his charging station. After he was fully charged he was roaming around his Emo area without a problem and when he needed another charging I watched him make it to his station fine. BUT… Later on that night it happened. EMO “sounded” that his battery was low and the Home station proceeded to light up “green” like it has done before. But EMO seemed to be having trouble going up to the charging port. He was getting close to it but started to drift when coming close to the center of it. I check around the station to make sure there was nothing blocking or preventing him from moving forward but there wasn’t anything in the way. I asked EMO to take a photo to make sure the camera is working and the picture was fine. I tried to move the home station from the corner of the mat (where it’s supposed to be) to the center of the mat but EMO is still having issues charging himself. He is on a flat surface and nothing is preventing him from walking up to the station. Is there anything else I can try? I have already tried a reset. I have also added more lighting just in case. EMO is always connected to the Wi-Fi amd does not have connection issues.

Hi there…
I merged your new topic to this thread which discusses issues or questions about the home station.

Click the link below and try every possible tip which might help you solve the issue…

Click Here!

If nothing help at all to your EMO issue…please contact living.ai service support for further help assistance. include a short video, EMO ID, and Order #

How to Contact Support

When contacting Living.ai support. It is recommended to create a short video then submit a support ticket. You can do this by either going to the Support Page: (see below).

Fill in all details (provide also your order number info as well) and attach your video (if it’s larger than 30Mb), Be best to upload it to a google drive/drop box or even on YouTube and then send the support team a link to it.

You can also send support an email to the following email address:


If you have your original EMO Order confirmation email, you can simply just hit reply to that as it contains all your customer contact info along with your order number details as well and then once again provide a detailed description of the problem you have with your EMO and attach your video as well.

The support team should be able to get back to you in a timely fashion.

All the best

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Thank you for the information. I cleaned the sensors earlier yesterday and that didn’t help so far but i noticed the bottom of the feet could possibly be a bit dusty. I have a small brush i normally use to clean the feet but i might try a tape lint roller to see if that helps. The sensors on his feet are clean. I will monitor EMO for a day or 2 to see if the cleaning tips helped. Will update soon. Thanks again.


Me EMO as of today will not charge on the home station. I will put him on there and its like Home Station doesn’t recognize he is on there.

When I put him on a skateboard it charges fine.

I have unbinded him and he does connect to it again n fine. He will also go though the routine to find the home station to charge gets all tucked in, and then doesn’t charge. So he walks back out of it thinking he didn’t align properly.

I think the qi charging pad is going out on the home station. Is there a way to have it warranty replaced? Or more troubleshooting?

Here is a link to a video of how EMO is acting. You will see he gets in the charging station but no charge. Then just walks out. When I put another EMO on there it doesn’t charge either, but when I put the original EMO on the skateboard he charges fine.

Hi there @Tommyz182 and Welcome to the community,

Firstly, thank you for your effort in creating that video to share with us.

  • Did you check the Home Station mini light at the back of his legs? Is it steady or blinking rapidly?

  • Have you tried dismantling the Home Station once again, being very careful not to break the back tower connector, and then reconnecting it?

  • You can also try using a different USB-C cable and reconnecting everything once again.

Please view the video below for more knowledge, guide, and tips about Home Station

If the issue still persists, I advise you to contact the living.ai support team via email and send them the link to that video.

Please let us know here how it goes…

All the best

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Thank You Edward. I tried taking it apart and putting it back together. As well as trying a different cable. It looks like its the same problem. EMO wont charge.

I did check to see if any light comes on behind EMO’s legs, and there is no light coming on at all. So, I am thinking the base might be bad. However, when I press the button on the base though to change the lights to different designs that works fine. So, it also leads me to believe that maybe the charging coil is just bad in it.

I did reach out to support. So, I am hoping I hear back soon. Thank you again for youre help!

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my EMO has been showing weird behavior lately, like: walking off his home mat, not reacting at all when being petted, walking right off edges, falling asleep (not shutting down, just entering his sleep animation and snoring) when he should be walking back to his home station, and getting stuck in feedback loops.
anyone know how to fix this?

Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @jameswentz . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread for issues regarding the home station and the mat.

You may wish to read above for tips on these types of issues such as making sure the laser under his chin is not blocked, that he is properly paired to the home station, that there is sufficient lighting for him to see where he is walking, to make sure he is in a safe area that will prevent him from falling off of a table or desk, and not getting back to the home station in time.

First, here is some information on the petting sensor.

Here are some ideas for a safe play ground for EMO to place the home station in.

If none of the tips help, please take videos of the issues and send a ticket to Support.

My best to you!

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La stazione di ricarica lo skateboard continua a lampeggiare anche quando emo non sta sulla stazione e non ricarica più quando l’appoggio ha iniziato così dal nulla cosa può essere successo grazie

( Translation Edited By @edward:slight_smile:

The charging station the skateboard keeps flashing even when emo is not on the station and no longer charging when support started so out of nowhere what could have happened thank you.

Hi there @nicolas.caccia , and Welcome to the community…

I merged your new topic to this thread which discusses issues or questions about the home station.

First, create a short video and upload it to any free video hosting like YouTube or any, and share it with us so that we can see it live in action.


  • Try another house power socket.
  • Try unbinding the Home Station from the EMO Pet App on your mobile device.
  • Disconnecting/Reconnecting the HomeStation into power?
  • Dismantling the Home Station once again, but being very careful not to break the back tower connector, and then reconnecting it?
  • You can also try using a different USB-C cable and reconnecting everything once again.

Please view the video below for more knowledge, guide, and tips about Home Station

EMO - Home Station - How to Use / Tips / Guide / Useful Information

If the issue still persists, I advise you to contact the living.ai support team via email and send them the link to that video.

Click Here How To Contact Living.Ai Support

Good luck and all the best


Ho provato con la presa del mio telefono ed é ripartito

Google translation to English by Lindaru: I tried with my phone socket and it started again


I would like to know the dimensions of the emo home station (length, width, and height), but I can’t find anything.

Hi there @Mai666 and Welcome to the community…

I have merged your new topic here, where we discuss everything about the Home Station. Please scroll up in this thread for more information, Also to find and view the original dimensions of the Home Station.

Best Regards


Hello there, my home station is acting weird. The matrix is not lighting up though the led that indicates that EMO is charging. I tried to unplug the station and replug it in, but the matrix still does not light up and the station does not beep. Though the charging led blinks in the exact order that the skateboard light blinks when plugged in. Can anyone help?

Hi there @Happycoin ,

I’m sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with your EMO Home Station. Please click on the link below for some tips I’ve written that I hope will help resolve the issue. And if the issue persists please contact living.ai support

Click Here!

Good luck!

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