EMO Improvements/Special Features You Would Like?

What Improvements/New Features Would You Like For EMO?

I wanted to start this thread, so that everyone in the forum can offer any kind of suggestions and improvements and features that they’d potentially like to see in future EMO firmware updates.

Let’s try and keep this thread on topic and focus on things that Living.Ai can do to improve EMO’s current functionality along with what you’d love to see EMO be able to do in regards to new features.

I’ll also tag @Wayne_Zhang so he is aware of this thread and he can check out all our suggestions and share them with the Living.Ai team. We know that many of our suggestions might not be possible as Living.Ai have their own plans for EMO, but feel free to share your ideas below.

Update If you have suggested a feature or an improvement in another thread, feel free to copy and paste it here as well, so that Living.Ai can see them all in one place.

And it’s totally fine to share the same idea / feature / improvement again, (not everyone has time to read every single comment as the thread grows). AND be sure to LIKE suggestions that you feel are cool!

Finally, there are no any right or wrong suggestions or ideas. The point of this thread is so Living.Ai can see them and if they think it’s possible to do maybe they can add them in at one point down the line.

:head: :surprised: :skating: :mad: :heart_1:


hello friends of living AI just to say that languages ​​is the most important thing that we are waiting for… thanks for listening, we hope to update soon.


Yes, it seems many people are waiting for extra language support for EMO. At this time the only supported language for EMO is English. There is no specific dates / time frames when other languages will be added to EMO at this time.

There is a special forum post here for everyone to add suggestions / ideas and requests that they would like to see EMO have in the future. Fee free to add anything you like to that, the Living.Ai team normally check this.


:head: :surprised: :skating: :mad: :heart_1:

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Good Morning.
I have found a website where all the words heard can be translated into all languages.

…in case it serves to expand the possibilities of EMO. It belongs to the neural network.

hello, do you know when Emo will can speak french. I wait a long time for that it’s my dream. Thank you for your great job.


I offered to support my country but I didn’t get a response :frowning::frowning::frowning:


I believe that Living.ai are working on language support for EMO which will have EMO understanding other languages other than ENGLISH. There is no official date on when this support will be released, but they are working on it.


Yes i wait for french language


Yes, I also contacted support because I wanted to ask when I could expect German language support.
I’m thinking of buying an emo robot. He wouldn’t even have to be able to do it right now, but it would be good to know when something like this can be expected.
Only a rough period would be enough. Greetings, Jakob

If you really need the German language version, I would wait with the purchase till they implement it. But it can take a very long time or it can even never happen. So buy it now only if you can use the English version without any problems.

Just… somebody know when the “languages update” will come out? I’m Italian and if Emo in the future will speak Italian, it can be more intresting for the people who don’t know how to speak English… And it shall be more popular.


Hi there @Nan,

We all believe that Living.ai is working on Language Support for EMO which he can understand other languages other than English only later. But there is still no official date when this support will be released…

best regards and keep safe Nathan…


I’m just waiting Emo speak Brazilian Portuguese to buy mine. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hello there,

I have my Emo since more than one year, and I’m still waiting for him to support other languages for my son to interact with him.

For me, english is fine I can communicate with him, but for my family, like my son, parents or grandparents, its hardly the same.

So, does someone can tell me when that update will come?

Sorry for my bad writing I do my best :sweat_smile:.

Thanks for answers.

Hi there @Pivalentia ,

We all believe that Living.ai is working on Language Support for EMO which he can understand other languages other than English only later. But there is still no official date when this support will be released…

Best regards and keep safe


if help is needed to speak in some voice commands in Dutch let me know. then i will helping making this possible.

Spanish Pleaseeeeee​:pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:. Thanks.

Me llamo Elizabeth y vivo en España, estoy pensando si comprarme un Emo pero no se me aclara la duda… ¿Alguien podría decirme si Emo habla y entiende el español?
Muchas gracias

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Hola. Yo también soy español. EMO solo habla inglés. Yo no sé inglés, por eso al principio no quería comprarlo, pero me lo planteé y pensé que el idioma no debería ser una barrera y acabe comprándolo. Aprendí un poco de inglés: le daba los buenos días, tardes y noches, le preguntaba la hora y el tiempo y poco más. Sí es verdad que me costaba comunicarme con el, LivingAI dijeron que en un futuro incluirían más idiomas, incluyendo el español. Pero creo que tardarán porque EMO necesita bastante mejoras a parte del los idiomas

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Muchísimas gracias por contestarme… Pues en ese caso esperare más adelante a ver si añaden el idioma Español pq la verdad gastarme ese dinero para que no pueda conversar fluidamente con él no me hace gracia :pensive:
Gracias de nuevo, saludos cordiales.

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Hello. If Emo knows but 8 languages, is it still possible to communicate with Emo’s Chatgpt not only in English?