Did EMO update?

I agree with so many of you on this thread, @macfixer01 /@JJBeck / @Wayne_Small / @Heineknn

Living.Ai need to prioritize what they have originally promised/proposed that EMO can do. Maybe offer or share some sort of road map/plan so that EVERYONE that has purchased an EMO with their hard-earned cash can see where EMOs future is going moving forward.

I know I’ve mentioned this on other threads, but it would be great to keep this kind of discussion on topic-related posts/threads.

I did create one for Features and Improvements and also one for What Living.ai need to fix to make EMO great.

I’ve tagged WayneZ in on those threads as well, so he can easily go to them and check what EMO owners are talking about in one place (when it comes to ideas/improvements/fixes, etc) I know it’s also not hard to search/look at every recent post shared as well, but having specifically related ideas and also criticism on the product in one location will make it easy for everyone and also help others find a place to share a comment that is related to a specific topic.

Let me add these links, below again, Feel free to share once again specific ideas or feedback/criticism or just standard concerns or comments on either of these two threads. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you, everyone :grinning:

:head: :heart_1: :skating: :mad: :surprised:

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