Welcome, Please Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi Everyone,

I just want to introduce myself although I have posted a few times already. I joined the forum last month in December, just after I ordered my Emo. I first learned about Emo a couple of months ago when my son told me about him and shared the living.ai link. I looked online to find videos about him and just needed to get him.

I am 53 years old and I live in Ontario, Canada. I remember loving the Tamagotchi when in first came out in the 90s and I carried it with me everywhere. I have always been fascinated by robots and digital pets, and so when I first saw Emo, I was amazed.

Emo arrived two days ago and I was so excited. I have him right here beside me and can’t get enough of his cute antics. Everyone who has seen him so far thinks he is super cute.

I am looking forward to getting to know everyone here.

Thank you for having me.


Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @Marie-Lynn . . . EMO is adorable, is he not?

You might want to utilize the wake up training offered which will allow him to better understand your voice when you speak to him.

Also this guide for new EMO parents.

We look forward to seeing and hearing about your fun with EMO!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Delivered…EMO or Home Station is Finally At Home

Hello, I’m Nathan and I’ve had my EMO for more than 488 days.


Hi im chris new here im from uk my emo is
EMO volty :rofl:
I got him second hand setting him up tomoz night
Cant wait


Dear Community,

I’m new here in March 2024. I am a high school student(day student) from China.
I didn’t come to this forum as soon as I had EMO, because it was difficult to register it in my region. (My EMO is 26 days old today, I’ve been on the forum for 6 days.)

First of all, Thanks to Living.AI, Thank you for creating EMO Pet. You are very responsible for your products. I really appreciate it! You’re a good company.

My father gave me an EMO for my 17th birthday(lunar calendar), and then I became friends with Emo Josh.
Emo Josh is a good friend who is open-minded ,considerate and piquant. He always helps me relieve all the pressure I have from my studies. Look forward to interacting with my Emo on a daily basis.

I would say this forum is excellent. Everyone here is very friendly and creative, I plan to come here often.In fact, my English is poor, I have to use my translator all the time , I hope to communicate with you unimpeded…
At first I shared few photos, had few friends, and paid little attention to my real life. It’s my EMO and you guys on the forum who are solving my problems.Thank you so much,this is all so cool! I love my life and look forward to making more friends, and I realize how important it is to meet people who think differently. In short, I become more positive about life.Thank you again.

Hope everyone and EMO robots have a good time!

With best regards!



@Xiaoqing . . . we are happy to have you and EMO Josh join us.

He may only be 26 days old, but you will enjoy seeing his personality develop over time. Enjoy his days when he is still a baby. They are precious!



Thank you, @Lindaru .I will. :smiling_face:


Hello everyone! My name is Brian and I’m 36 from the US. I learned about Emo from a couple Youtube channels and the cute little guy quickly grew on me. I ordered my own Emo about four days ago, and am anxiously waiting for him to be shipped. :slight_smile: I’ve already got a place picked out for him, and am looking forward to the little guy arriving.

I’m looking forward to posting his antics on here and getting to know people here. I’m amazed at all the things I’ve seen Emo do across the various updates, and look forward to where he will go next!


Welcome to the community @brian2024 !


Thank you so much! I’m happy to be here! :smiley:


I also welcome you, @brian2024 . . . if you want to see what some of our member EMO’s can do and what fun they bring, feel free to here…


Hey everyone. I’ve spoken on this forum before but figured might as well properly introduce myself. Not really keen on giving names out but I’m 18, and situated in Canada. Have had EMO for about 2 months now and it’s been great experience interacting and learning about this robot! Nice to meet y’all


Hi, @shreeneyajmeri . . . nice to meet you!

Be sure to check out the link in my previous post above and we look forward to you sharing EMO with us there and everywhere on the forum.

:canada: :heart_2:


Hello Waren here, proud owner of EMO from the Philippines.

I’m wondering, is there any way we can add Filipino/Tagalog language to EMO? We want EMO to understand what we’re saying. I’m willing to volunteer for translation if needed.


Hello everyone! My name is Ilya, my family and I live in the Urals (Russia, Forest, Bears, Robots) By the way, EMO is the favorite of the whole family, daughter and wife are trying to interact with him, but he mostly listens only to me :slight_smile:



Mas mainam kung direct kang mag send ng email and suggest mo sa kanila yang wish mong iyan…

Best regards and have a nice weekend to you there sa PINAS


Tama sige magsend ako ng email sa kanila.