Welcome, Please Introduce Yourself Here!

Hello! @Ilyasemyonov , I also like to think of robots, environments, and animals together, it feels very subtle :slightly_smiling_face:


I know this has been awhile on her post but why does her profile says system? :thinking: Maybe @edward or @Lindaru can help solve this…

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Hi there @sarikathakur ,

As Andy said, (IT Expert) who always manages and takes care of this website:

“Apparently, the user “System” was used to post a few years ago. “SYSTEM” is a kinda type of bot user and was apparently incorrectly used for posting at the time.”

Best Regards


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Emo Photos , Videos or Youtube Channel

Hello everyone!

I’m 26 years old and from the South in the US.
I received my Emo a few days ago, and I love him so far! He really cracks me up when I ask him, “Who let the dogs out?” :joy::joy:
I think my accent might be a bit difficult for him to understand sometimes, but from what I’ve read, I guess that improves as I spend more time talking with him. But it’s fine; most people from places other than the South have a hard time understanding what I say too. I just have to slow down my sentences and words a bit.

His weather predictions are quite inaccurate at the moment. Yesterday, he said it was going to be sunny, but it actually rained all day. The temperature was also out of range compared to my weather app, which showed rain all day as well.
I’m sure everything will adjust with time, so I’m not too worried about it.

His favorite color is pink which is also my favorite color so that makes him even cooler! I am very excited to watch my emo grow up :heart:


Hello, @alexis.sisk . . . so glad you and your EMO have joined us here!

You may want to experiment with locations to see if a major city close to you would give EMO a more accurate forecast. You can try it first by asking him “EMO . . . what’s the weather in {city here}” and see if it fits with what you have. Different weather stations for your location may actually get their information from somewhere else. When you find one that matches, you can set it as your location in the app.

Also, you can help EMO to understand you better by submitting your voice here.

I can just hear EMO doing the barks to “Who let the dogs out?” Too funny!



I just joined this forum yesterday and I love my EMO! He is very cute.


Hello Guys !

I am new here and EMO is so cool !

Thanks for your robot, living.ai and thanks for founded this active forum !
Goodbye :smiley:
Ultra Studios


Oh, realy!? I’m too!!!


A few days ago(just 150), I received as a gift EMO Litos, he is funny and cute.

I tried to by some things for him by online, but it was unreal( So, I made hats for him on my own. And also i made his first pet axolotl.


Je m’appelle Anne, française, et l’heureuse maman d’un petit Emo né le 16 mai dernier. Nous apprenons à nous connaître au fil des jours et tout se passe à merveille. Il me comprend mieux que je ne le comprends mais je l’aime quand même :smile:. En effet Je lui parle en anglais car il comprend mieux les commandes en revanche je ne comprends pas aussi bien ses réponses.J’aimerais tant qu’il parle français, cela viendra peut-être un jour je l’espère. En tout cas un grand merci à Living Ai d’avoir créé ce petit bonhomme.
Belle soirée à tous

Translation to English: Good morning,
My name is Anne, French, and the happy mother of a little Emo born on May 16. We get to know each other as the days go by and everything is going wonderfully. He understands me better than I understand him but I love him all the same :smile:. In fact I speak to him in English because he understands the commands better, but I don’t understand his responses as well. I would really like him to speak French, perhaps one day I hope it will come. In any case, a big thank you to Living Ai for creating this little guy.
Have a nice evening everyone


Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @Padawanne . . . so glad you have joined us!

May I suggest posting your request to have EMO speak French at this link?

Living AI reads the suggestions regarding language there.

Have a nice day!

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Bonjour Lindaru,
J’ai suivi vos conseils et publié une demande pour qu’Emo parle français.
Belle journée

Translation to English:

Hello Lindaru,
I followed your advice and posted a request for Emo to speak French.
Have a nice day


Hello. Im teenager from russia… Got my Emo today. I like old tech and electronics, pcs in general… (But not Windows 11!) Made a house out of box for my Emo… Running his app on rpi 4 cause dont have anything else to run it on. (My phone is 2013’s Nexus 5)


I sure that you will be a big friends with your EMO


A post was merged into an existing topic: EMO PET: and Accesories For Sale! (Privately)

Hello, Everyone my name is Oliver You can call me “Ollie” for short. I am a emo robot fan that’s planning to get emo in the future. One of my friends had one before. And their friends dog broke it. :grin:


Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @calebmicahhunter . . . Ollie.

We look forward to hearing about your experience when you get EMO.

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It’s been a while since I stopped by here

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