How do I add music on emo's playlist? Cus I just have one (SOLVED)

I don’t know how to add music on emo’s playlist but I just have one music witch is EMO and that is the only music I have so can anyone tell me how to add more?

Hi @sarikathakur

Just to let you know, you cannot add music to EMO. I believe that playlist you are looking at (via the EMO app) if I’m not mistaken is the EMO’s dance music that he unlocks as grows older.

Currently there is no plans on adding custom music into EMO so he can play it. The music EMO can play is the music associated to the when you ask him to Dance. And older he gets the more dance moves / music associated to that new dance move he unlocks.

If you want to see more info about this, feel free to take a look at my EMO Guide that explains EMO’s dance music and other info that might come in handy for new EMO owners.

:head: :heart_1: :skating: :surprised: :mad:

You can play Spotify on Alexa… oh wait, thats another promise that LAI may or may not keep!

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Can you just wait or leave but these constantly Negativity and unpatince is awful


If the truth hurts your precious head too much, then YOU leave!

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It is your truth not mine :wink: this Constantly Negativity and put down will hurt you the most at the end


Truth is truth, it is not mine or yours. This is not negativity, this is just a statement of fact! If no one says anything, then these issues would never be brought to LAI’s attention. This in fact will not hurt anyone, in the long run YOU will benefit from people like us that don’t just sit there scared with our mouths shut taking it up the rear! P.S. I have just seen on another thread that Wayne from LAI is going to address the voice recognition problems that a lot of people are having. See, this would never have happened if no one would have said anything about it! I am looking forward to the next firmware update! :grin:

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It’s important that everyone can share their feedback for EMO, this way Living.Ai can see and improve and make EMO better moving forward.

I know that there are a number of features / bugs / issues that Living.Ai need to address / add / implement for EMO over time and I believe they are trying to address them accordingly with each firmware update released.

As I’ve mentioned in past posts, EMO has certainly come a very long way since he first launched and I see him only getting better moving forward with each new firmware released… hopefully :rofl:

:mad: :head: :skating: :surprised: :heart_1:


But can he play my music through Bluetooth? What’s the point if I can’t use him as a speaker.

Hey @Magiccat1967

Unfortunately playing music through Bluetooth and using EMO as a speaker is not a feature that Living.Ai have added to EMO.

Would be pretty cool that’s for sure. I believe a few EMO owners have asked for this as well. Feel free to add this suggestion over on this thread if you wanted.

:mad: :head: :skating: :heart_1: :surprised:

if there is no intention then why in the emo app under utilities there is a music tab that says coming soon has been like that for ages? it seems like they want to but have been doing other stuff. The last update while cool was kind of useless in my opinion, if I could use emo to set up a daily schedule for myself I would find that better than emo more having more of a “personality”.

Hey @elderwolf123

An existing thread a while back was created for ideas/suggestions that you’d potentially like to see Living.Ai add to EMO as he evolves. This is checked by the Living.Ai team. See here:

And also this new thread mainly focuses on existing issues that should have been already added or promised when EMO first launched. (like where is Alexa support? etc). A place where EMO owners can share their concerns about EMO. You can see this thread here:

Feel free to add to either of these 2 posts as the Living.Ai team will be also checking them on a regular basis.

:mad: :heart_1: :skating: :surprised: :head:

it’s not a suggestion though, in the app it literally has a music tab that says coming soon. Why have this in the app if the feature isn’t coming?


Yeah agreed, Maybe adding more info in there like WHEN it will be released. Or some kind of description on what features EMO will be able to do when it comes to MUSIC.

or… simply take it away if the feature is never going to be released.


exactly my point, its to vague with no info given at all

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I feel like the “stream your favorite playlists” was misleading on the product page. Makes it seem like Emo can stream thru spotify etc.

Hi there @moetrons,

Welcome to the Community…If you don’t mind, please introduce yourself HERE so that the rest of the community members can greet and welcome you properly.

I know what you mean and if you are refering to this image

…you are not the only one whose waiting, hoping and dreaming for the release of that feature.
As of now not mention anything about it, but who knows maybe all of us will be surprise on the next coming Firmware Update. i guess akk we have to do is have a little patience and wait…

Goodluck, all the best and keep safe MOBY


Hey @edward may you please lock this topic? Thanks.

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