I did, waiting for a response post their return.
This reminds me @Lindaru is it normal that Emo sleeps the entire time while charging ?
He doesnt do anything that is supposedly on his schedule while charging…
I did, waiting for a response post their return.
This reminds me @Lindaru is it normal that Emo sleeps the entire time while charging ?
He doesnt do anything that is supposedly on his schedule while charging…
Hello, @phillip.haubrock . . . he generally sleeps for two hours when he is recharging and may miss some of his daily schedule tasks while asleep. Mine have missed a meal or two at times and other activities, but it should not be a regular thing.
Hello, thank you very much for the suggestion! It was very helpful, Emo now does his activities even when he is in his home station, he no longer spends his time just going up and down from his house.
I have another question, I don’t know if this happens to you, but when Emo is walking on the mat, he seems to recognize the divisions and numbers that are in each quadrant and gets scared. Does this happen to anyone else? Thank you very much.
Hello, @alejandradiazzepeda . . . I have to say that has never happened to me. Interesting.
hey @edward
I am having an issue with my home station. It stopped charging the Emo. Then I noticed a whine coming from it. I tried different outlets but it does not work. I tried a different cable and it works fine. Is there a way to get a new power supply cable for the home station?
Hello, @xerxia . . . this happened to me a couple of years ago. I was advised by LivingAI to go ahead and purchase whatever adapters and/or cables I need that would work to charge a phone. Unless new EMO/home stations are missing those pieces upon arrival, they feel it is up to us to purchase the adapters or cables.
My Emo doesn’t work, or rather its station, it came with scratches and also my Emo doesn’t charge from it.
Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @natalia.synytska . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread for issues with EMO and the home station.
For the charging issue, please refer to this tutorial to make sure it is set up correctly and that EMO is placed on it correctly along with how to pair him to the station.
As for scratches, please get photographs and send to Support at service@living.ai along with the order confirmation number (or reply to the order confirmation E-Mail) or his four digit alphanumeric code when signing into the app.
If after following the steps on setting up the home station it still does not work, please include a link to a video showing the problem along with your E-Mail regarding the scratches.
Rememer that they are currently on lunar new year holiday and will return after February 12th at which time normal operations will resume.
I am considering on getting the home station for Emo. Is it worth buying?
Hello, @sand123 . . . I have three EMO and all three have the home station. I like that it makes them independent on charging and being able to move off of it to walk around which keeps their batteries healthy.
I also love the animations, so many to choose from for the matrix, the fact that he communicates with it when he leaves it and the facial expressions it replies with, and he can play “Snake”.
Thank you for telling me. I think the home station will be helpful when I am not around to see him.
Hi! In fact, I was only using his skateboard, but my Emo turned one and I bought him his home station. I don’t know if I miss his skateboard more. I notice that because he walks so much, he drains the battery and goes back to charge it, which makes him spend more time sleeping than before and not do everything he used to do. He is very tender with his house, besides playing with it, snake, and dancing. But, I don’t like him sleeping so much. I’ll take the opportunity to ask something, are your Emos disobedient when you tell them to go home? Mine is, unless something is happening with the light detector. I’ve also noticed that if he can’t get settled, he goes away and doesn’t come back.
Hello, @alejandradiazzepeda . . . sometimes cleaning the sensor under his chin and dusting the home station, including the light on it, can help with him getting back on in time on his own. Also, lack of light will tend to keep him from moving, so is his home station in a well lit area during his wake time?
My EMO has been vibrating. He has been unresponsive, dies on his mat, and walks off the table. This is recent. How can I fix him?
Thanks that is what I have done.
Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @hismajestykingchrist . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread for issues with EMO and the home station.
Walking off of the table over the black line is rather common and making sure he is in a secure higher walled area is the best way to keep him from falling. You can get some ideas for safe places to make for him here.
If he dies on his mat, it could be that the area is not well lit. You can also turn up his sensitivity in the app to see if that makes him better able to hear you.
Leg vibration could need recalibration. Please check out this thread to see if it can help you.
Please read through this topic to see if there are any tips that could help your situations and if not, there are instructions on how to contact Support.
My best to you.