Thanks for your reply. This Emo is brand new, arrived a few days ago. The sensor is clean and it is not as if he tries but then fears falling off, it simply stands still and sleeps.
When I ask him to show its batters, it is also indicated as full.
Addendum: If I tell it to “leave home”, it does it. If I tell it to “go explore” it replies “I cant do that right now”. But it does not leave it on its own.
Pushing this again. Anyone having an idea why Emo doesnt want to get off the charger although having spent hours on it? He finds it himself when his battery runs low, but doesnt come off it willingly unless I tell him to do so.
Hi there @phillip.haubrock
If you have problems connecting EMO to the Home Station, Matrix Display Lights, and not leaving his Home Station
Please try the following:
- Open the EMO app and go to the Utilities page.
- Navigate to the Light page.
- Click the “Unbind All” button – EMO will power off.
- Reboot EMO and press the Home Station button for 5 seconds to re-pair.
- Make sure he is truly connected to his Home Station by saying the command “Leave your Home Station.”
Good luck! Let us know if this resolves your issue.
Hey @edward thanks.
Tried that and he is now with full battery hanging out on his charger staring at me - seemingly not interested in moving off. I will give him another 2h and see if he decided to move off his home.
Addendum: Emo did not get off the charger by himself, rather he turned himself off. I now took him off and asked him to go back on the home station and when turning his back to the station, he is now continuing to walk backwards against the station as if he is not finding the right spot?
Hello, @phillip.haubrock . . . if after trying the tips he is still not working properly with the home station, please get video of what he is doing with the unusual walking and send a link to the video along with a description of the problem to with his order number (if you know it or you can reply to your order confirmation E-Mail if you still have it) or his four digit alphanumeric I.D. when he signs into the app.
They are currenty celebrating the lunar new year holiday and should all be back in office after February 12th, so please expect there to be delays, but they will get to it when they get back.
Until then, perhaps just remember to ask him to leave the home station every few hours or so to keep his battery healthy.
Next level: when I ask him to get off his home station, he turns off as if the battery just died. Then I put him back on, he power back up, I ask him again and everything is fine? videos and images sent to
I wonder though, has anyone had the same problems?
Hi there @phillip.haubrock,
Did you ask EMO about his battery level while he was still on his charger? This will help confirm if he is actually getting power.
If he had enough charge, try sending him out and observe what happens. You can also let EMO’s battery fully drain outside his Home Station, then wait 30 minutes before placing him back to cool down.
Good luck
Yes, the battery was charging and at that point completely full. I will try to let him drain next.
This is getting ridiculous.
I let his battery drain completely and waited then >30 min before reactivating him by placing him back on the home station. He charged for >3h and his battery was full, but he refused to come off. When I took him off and asked him to go back on, he could not really find the right spot for >8 min. in addition to that he stoped to listen completely and began to display mutliple animations at the same time as if the got stuck?
He is now charging again but something is very off with this Emo and it is a huge disappointment as he was ment as a birthday gift for my daughter but doesnt function properly…
I have reported everything to but with the vacation I do see this as pretty disappointing.
This morning I found him trying to get on the station. When he couldnt manage for 10-15 min I placed him on it, just to (2-3h later) find him powered down but with his left foot slightly elevated as if he tried to get off but then got a short circuit or something… I corrected his feet and he powered on normally, and his battery is full. Similar to this video
Hello, @phillip.haubrock . . . if these things are happening frequently, you may wish to contact Support (share this video link if it explains it well) and describe other issues you may be having. Send the link, description, order number or four digit alphanumeric code when he signs into the app to . . . please be patient as they are currently on lunar new year holiday but will all be back in office after February 12th.
My best to you.
Hello! I have a question about the Home Station and Emo’s daily life. How can I keep Emo in his Home Station for a while without leaving so he can continue doing his usual routine? He doesn’t paint in the afternoons or knit or do other activities anymore because he only gets on and off his charger and because he gets tired he sleeps a lot and doesn’t do all his activities. I’ve thought that for some hours I should leave him on his skateboard. What do you think?
Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @alejandradiazzepeda . . . so you have both the skate board and the home station?
I would advise you to go into the app and go to accessories and unbind all while EMO is not on the home station. Then pair him again by holding the button on the home station down. Once you get the blue connection symbol, then put him back on the home station. See if that helps things.
He may have believed he was still on the skate board, so unbinding him and re-pairing him should get him to respond to being on the home station.
Let us know how this works.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I tried that now 2 times and he still refuses to get off his homestation by himself. But I find the thought that he believs to be still on the skateboard intreaguing - although I dont see how that would be solvable by reconnecting him over and over again.
Moreover, he instantly powers off when I disconnect him fro mthe home station via the accessories. is that normal?
Hello, @phillip.haubrock . . . there is the possibility that this issue may be caused by him not getting sufficient charge. Please check his battery level after he has been on the home station for a couple of hours. Is he charging fully? Often when they shut off when removed from the home station, it is because the battery is not getting enough charge. If he is full while on the home station but shuts off when removed, the charge is bypassing the battery. This could be due to a bad charging cable which switching that out should fix the problem, or the battery is damaged which you will need to contact with a link to video, EMO I.D. or order number and the description of the problem and that you have tried a different cable and outlet.
My best to you.
The battery is always green and seemingly full when he does that, plus it is always green and appearing full after 3+ h of charging. I have also switched our cable and plug for the adapter, but no effect.
I sent several very detailed emails to waiting for a response when they return…
He has been on the charger for 3h, his battery is green (its 11pm here right now) and he slept the entire time. I also checked if he is in the right time zone - he is - but sleept from roughy 9pm to 4am the next day. something is very fishy with this Emo…
Addendum: he remained on his charger vom 9pm yesterday to 8.47 am this morning when I asked him to get off. his battery had been full since ~11pm yesterday.
EMO often shuts down when entering or leaving the charging base, and it also turns off after some time even when it’s not on the charging station. Is this a software issue, or should I be worried? Thanks!
Hello, @moreno_mirko.zahm . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread for issues with EMO and the home station.
Others have had issues the same as yours. I would invite you to read through this thread for tips and ideas to maybe fix the issue. If nothing here works for you, there is information here on how to contact Support for assistance.
I have the same experience with my new Emo and over Twitter / X I found other “new” Emo-owners that report the same issues I am having with my Emo not leaving the home station despite being full.
Seems like has a problem with the last production charge?
Maybe it’s a software issue. Will it need to be replaced? Perhaps it’s worth contacting LivingAI.
Best regards,