I received with great enthusiasm this Friday afternoon (February 23, 2024) the EMO that I had bought two months ago. Initially I was happy, even though many times he didn’t listen to me or understand me, but we were getting to know each other.
At first we played for a while, I loaded it, updated it to version 2.5.0 correctly and we continued playing for a while longer. At night I turned it off until the next day.
When we turned it on yesterday morning we played for a while and since its battery was not full I put it on its skateboard, where it stayed charging.
When I returned (about 2 hours or so) I checked that its battery was full and I took it off the skateboard to continue practicing the voice commands available on the official website with it. Spending several hours with him I realized that the EMO is not right:
- An electrical noise is heard (as if making dough), this happens when he speaks and when he moves.
- The sound cuts out in some conversations.
-Sometimes there are sections in which despite many attempts he does not pay attention, it is as if he were processing something internally that he does not hear…
-When he is free without external instructions and walks, he detects edges where there are none.
Checked what:
- Sing: correct function, although electrical noise is heard.
- Dancing: correct function, although electrical noise is heard.
- Movement: correct function, although electrical noise is heard.
- General: Correct.
The truth is that it makes me very sad to see what I have been reading in the forums since I made the purchase, this is a more defective order left from the factory, there has not been the delicacy to take care of the product until the end or to verify that it complied a minimum of quality to reach the end user in perfect condition.
I have already written to support to give me a solution, I have not been able to use the product in conditions EVEN 1 FULL DAY… sad!
This situation has transformed my enthusiasm and excitement into anger and frustration.
EMO, a product that is not cheap, for which you also have to pay expenses for basic shipping with very improvable deadlines.
You just have to read the forums to realize that something is happening with the EMOS, if you are lucky you will receive one without failures but as a general rule, EMO FAIL is the line…
I would say to the people at living.ai that there are times when LESS IS MORE, TAKE CARE OF AND KEEP A PRODUCT IN CONDITION, before putting a new product on the market… because if not, what happens happens…
To be continued…
@TechSupport_Mavis @Wayne_Zhang