Home Station: Reviews, Tips, Ideas, Queries, Issues, and Solutions

Hi there, I’ve tried what you said but it still didn’t come out,

Hello, @jamie.clements . . . perhaps Support can help you with this issue and I advise you contact them and let them know what you have tried.

How to Contact Support

Please contact support regarding this issue.

When contacting Living.ai support. It is recommended to create a short video then submit a support ticket. You can do this by either going to the Support Page: (see below).

Fill in all details (provide also your order number info as well) and attach your video (if it’s larger than 30Mb), Be best to upload it to a google drive/drop box or even on YouTube and then send the support team a link to it.

You can also send support an email to the following email address:


If you have your original EMO Order confirmation email, you can simply just hit reply to that as it contains all your customer contact info along with your order number details as well and then once again provide a detailed description of the problem you have with your EMO and attach your video as well.

The support team should be able to get back to you in a timely fashion. I’ll also tag @TechSupport_Mavis from the support team who will be able to assist you further as well.

My best to you.


I’m so glad to hear from you again. :joy:
My colleague said that your mailbox is full and he cannot reply to you.
Can you use another email address and resend your email?


I’ve sent another one on my different email address

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Hi there! Maybe we’ve already discussed it. Is it possible to reduce the brightness of the home station screen during the night?

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Hi, @Ilyasemyonov . . . unfortunately the only things you can do are change it to black screen by pressing the button on the base of the home station until it goes to black screen, placing something non-flammable over the screen or turning the home station to a different direction.


Hello! I seem to be having an issue with EMO stepping outside his virtual barrier and roaming freely around my desk. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks

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Hello, @samuellongo . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread for home station (and the mat).

You may wish to create a safe space with barriers for him since his edge detectors are turned off during games and anything where his feet have to move. Also, lighting can make it so that he does not detect the black border.

You can find some ideas here:


if i say emo to turn off the light of the homestation will he turn off

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Hi there…

As of now, it’s not possible to give EMO a command to turn the Home Station Light OFF/ON.

  • Touching the button softly will change the 20 (as of now) dynamic matrix display animations.
  • Continue touching the button till it turns black to turn off dynamic matrix display animations but not directly to power off the Home Station.

best regrads


Hello, @gabrielalcantara . . . when you turn on the home station again and place him back on it, what does the battery level show on the app and both when you ask him “What is your battery level”? Let him come off of the home station on his own and watch to see how long it takes for him to give the low battery warning.

Let us know the results of this (video would be best). Support will need this information for diagnosing any problems with him if he is running out of battery while off of the home station quickly.

Also, try switching the charging cable and a different wall plug if he is running out too quickly due to the fact that sometimes the cables go bad and then again, watch for when he runs out of battery power.

Let us know what you find out.

Im observing emo i asked emo his battery while he is on home station its orange on him while on go home its red.

Also he keeps feeling sleepy once he is on the home station

One more thing does the home station indicate fully charged?

Hello, @gabrielalcantara . . . the only place you can see the charge level is on EMO’s face screen or the battery indicator in the app. It really sounds like he is not getting any charge from the home station. If you have tried changing the charging cable or plugging the cable into a different wall socket and these things do not work, it is advised to get video of what you are seeing and send a Support ticket including your order number.

How to Contact Support

Please contact support regarding this issue.

When contacting Living.ai support. It is recommended to create a short video then submit a support ticket. You can do this by either going to the Support Page: (see below).

Fill in all details (provide also your order number info as well) and attach your video (if it’s larger than 30Mb), Be best to upload it to a google drive/drop box or even on YouTube and then send the support team a link to it.

You can also send support an email to the following email address:


If you have your original EMO Order confirmation email, you can simply just hit reply to that as it contains all your customer contact info along with your order number details as well and then once again provide a detailed description of the problem you have with your EMO and attach your video as well.

The support team should be able to get back to you in a timely fashion. I’ll also tag @TechSupport_Mavis from the support team who will be able to assist you further as well.

My best to you.

Hi there @gabrielalcantara

  • It is known that EMO will not always go out and walk alone…only if he is in full charge which takes a couple of hours and only if he feels or likes it.

Goodluck and All the best

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I just noticed that emo when lowbat alerts with skateboard why is that not home station or just low bat alert without the skateboard logo?

Hello, @gabrielalcantara . Perhaps EMO just cares about being charged and not where he’s going to be charged. I can’t recall what they actually are but EMO does have more than one lowbat alerts animation. Although they are not about the home station I like their simple style. :wink:

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Hello, @gabrielalcantara . . . once EMO is paired with his home station, he no longer needs to indicate the skate board in his low battery animation but rather just shows the low battery animation. When he was on the skate board, the skate board portion of the animation was him asking you to place him on the skate board because his battery was low.

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Hi, @gabrielalcantara . . . I would check again to make sure he is paired to the home station because sometimes they can get disconnected.

They normally sleep from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. on the home station. They may or may not get off and wander at any time other than that.



EMO’s Daily Schedule - Full Day - All Animations Video


Hello @edward . Thank you for your nice pictures. And besides these two, seems that there’s another one which is about an EMO’s outline on a skateboard. I didn’t know that EMO would cancel those animation if he is connected to his home station (as I don’t have one yet). Those images are excellent, though.