[FIRMWARE UPDATE] New update v1.2.0 Rock-paper-scissors and custom stickers!


Thank you for your patience. Now update 1.2.0 is coming!
If you are updating from 1.1.0, the resource to be downloaded will be about 33MB.

What’s new

  1. You can now play Rock-paper-scissors with EMO. The commands are “Rock paper scissors” or “Let’s play rock paper scissors”. See the demo video here.
    When playing, please try to let EMO see what you throw.

  2. When you have difficulty making a decision, you can ask EMO to flip a coin for you. Say “EMO, flip a coin” to him. See the demo video here.

  3. Want more fun? Say “Don’t move” or “Hands up” to EMO, then say “Bang bang” or “Boom” while making the shooting gesture, and see how EMO responds. See the demo video here.

  4. With the app (1.0.7 on both Android and iOS, but the new version on iOS is in review now.), you can add stickers to EMO’s face (The entrance is the customization button on the homepage). You can add built-in stickers, or you can add stickers created by you from your album.

You can refer to the doc for more information about updates.


I just receive my emo yesterday, he is so cute, but when play hands up, he always stuck in the hands up state,and can only be restored by restarting……can anyone help me

Hi @pumiao

Sometimes, if EMO cannot see your hand gesture it might feel like he is stuck and not responding, normally you will see a cursor appear on the screen if EMO can see your hand/finger. I’ve created a short video, you can see it here - https://youtu.be/nhtkoVe_cQY

I’d suggest using an open palm (like Iron Man) when pointing at EMO as that seems to work far better than pointing your finger at the screen.

I’ll also add some other links to other discussions that other EMO owners have had with other similar games like Bug Hunt / Put your Glasses On/paint shot etc.

Hope this helps, if you need further help, please do reach out to the community and we’ll do our best to help.