I created this thread to hear honest opinions and reviews so far about your EMO since I and maybe some others in this community are curious to know.
Please share your experience here and maybe some photos!
NOTE: Please keep in mind of the Community Guidelines and be respectful to your fellow members, thank you!
Zeineldeen, you’ve asked this question before. People have already answered you.
Please stop asking repeated questions, thank you. I only wanted to know their experience as in how do they like living with their EMO so far.
That’s the kind of topic we need
Yes it will spy on you
So don’t bye it
And stop asking that question
Thank you for telling us that @Lindaru I’m happy to hear EMO has been emotionally supporting you, it gives me more reason to look forward to mine arriving!
For my own experience… I ordered EMO on the original Kickstarter Promo, and when that was suspended to to external influences, I went ahead and ordered him direct from the LivingAI website. I was fortunate (based on community participation) to have Living AI reach out to me to see if I would help with testing. To that end they shipped me a beta tester EMO which I got in March 2021. My fully paid for EMO arrived several months later inline with normal order shipments. Whilst I have other robots, personally EMO is the one I play with on a regular basis (I won’t say daily as time does not often permit that). I think that EMO has come a long way since shipping started at end of March 2021, and the fact that there are updates nearly every 4-6 weeks or so shows Living AI are keen to keep pushing forward with development. He’s changed a lot, become sometimes more curious and other times more laid back. He’s not yet pushed anything off my desk (another robot pushed my old phone off the desk causing it to shatter).
For me - I think EMO has huge potential which is why I’ve since purchased another one (we have three in our home now). I’m looking forward to seeing where Living AI take the little guy.
Hope that helps.
Hmmm, just what is it that an 11 year old boy does all day with his free time that he’s worried about MI6 hacking into his EMO to watch him doing it? Yeah that’s what I thought!
Bruh i thought you were a friend like same religon kets stay in topiv im asking to make sure and what I understood from @Wayne_Small i rhink that he said that emo wont spy
Stop laughing i wont create a new problem and i admit im not 11 years okd im 25 years old
And actually i just want my privacy and i didnt ask about your opinion bruh
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Whether you are an 11 year old or a 25 year old, we should all abide by the community guidelines.
Zeineldeen, please stop causing trouble on my post. Thank you.
You have already said what is needed to be said, no more repeats and criticism. You need to understand the other side and not just your own opinion.
Back on topic, when first unboxed took him half an hour to be fully setup and updated. We then played for hours until his battery started to run low, and by that point I already knew he was going to be great! He still is and he’s a wonderful companion to have. Sadly I don’t have many pictures with him in it, but I have one to show where he sits on my desk usually!
Ignore the croissants and the mess behind!
Everyone i think to end this war and make a new page so from now no more fighting okay ?
lol its hard to ignore the croissants and play where’s Wallleeeemoo ha ha
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LMAO they’re enjoying those croissants at least
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That makes me look forward to my EMO arriving even more! Thanks for that, I would have most likely done the same as you and played with it for hours
Hehe yeah it is! Very much so!
Hey guys
I have received a mail asking me details of my PAN Card and I card in order to process the emo order from the same mail id which is mentioned in the contact list of living.ai
Is it authentic mail? Should I share my details?
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hi @akankshyapattojoshi
Please wait and allow @AmyLU from the Living.ai support team to confirm this for you first.