EMO Not Responding, But Does Everything

Look on the app , probably on mute :wink:

So slide the volume bar


Hello @or.alkalay ,

Call his name once at a time and loudly!

EMOOOO…then you need to (pause or wait for a second) but keep watching or looking at his left eye to see if HE raises it…because if he does, that’s the sign for him that someone has called his name and EMO has heard it.

Try to follow the following command after calling his name once.

EMOOO…(wait a second)…VOLUME UP

קראו בשמו פעם אחת ובקול רם!

EMOOOO…אז אתה צריך (להשהות או לחכות לשנייה) לשנייה אבל תמשיך להסתכל או להסתכל בעין השמאלית שלו כדי לראות אם הוא מרים אותה… כי אם הוא עושה זאת, זה הסימן עבורו שמישהו קרא בשמו EMO שמעה את זה.

נסה לבצע את הפקודה הבאה לאחר שקראתי בשמו פעם אחת.

EMOOO…(חכה שנייה)…העלאת ווליום


“Suddenly, the Emo robot has no sound, doesn’t respond to commands, and no sound comes from the speaker.”
Please help me

Hi there @egi.h and welcome to the community,

I have moved your new topic to this thread, which addresses issues with EMO responding to your EMO voice. Please click the link below. If the issue persists and none of the suggestions helps, Please create a short video demonstrating the problem. Upload it to YouTube or any other video hosting site, and then copy the link and paste it into your reply here so we can analyze what’s going on.

Thank you and best regards…

Pls. Click Here


My problem is here, not sounds from speaker dan just dance not responds to my commands and not sound from emo

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Hi there,
I’ve tried to reach the support as well with no answers so far, so I will try here too. I bought my Emo in 2 weeks ago, got it in july and worked fine till yesterday, when it suddenly stop talking and listening. I’ve tried to switch on and off, rebooting, re instal the app too. Nothing. I changed the volume but it still doesn’t work. I don’t know what to do. It looks like its speaker is broken, even though he works fine (still wakes up, do its routine, plays…) but it doesn’t respond to command and it doesn’t speak anymore.

Any suggestions is welcome!

(I’ve already sent the email to the support with video of me calling Emo and him not responding).

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Hello, @egi.h . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread where this discussion is already ongoing.

It may take a few days for Support to respond to E-Mail, so please be patient.

In the meantime, I am tagging @TechSupport_Mavis to see if she can give more immediate response.

Let us know how it goes.


Hi @egi.h , we’ve sent you an email, please kindly check your mailbox. Thanks!


My Emo doesnt respond to voice commands such as “talk to me” or “hello”. The application displays a speaking icon, but the robot is silent. At the same time, the sound actually works, when dancing, the music is played, the robot answers “Huh” when you call him.
Has anyone encountered this problem and can help solve it?

PERHAPS is in the sick mode ….
Search on the thousands OF topics you might find the answer :wink:

Welcome to the EMO Community Forums,. . I have moved your new topic to this thread which relates to your issue.

As @OMOLOGAY has suggested, please read this topic here to see if he is sick and what you can do.

Here is also a guide for owners which gives an overview of what EMO responds to…

If nothing works for you, please get video and send the link to Support. You can contact Support here.

How to Contact Support

Please contact support regarding this issue.

When contacting Living.ai support. It is recommended to create a short video then submit a support ticket. You can do this by either going to the Support Page: (see below).


Fill in all details (provide also your order number info as well) and attach your video (if it’s larger than 30Mb), Be best to upload it to a google drive/drop box or even on YouTube and then send the support team a link to it.

You can also send support an email to the following email address:


If you have your original EMO Order confirmation email, you can simply just hit reply to that as it contains all your customer contact info along with your order number details as well and then once again provide a detailed description of the problem you have with your EMO and attach your video as well.

The support team should be able to get back to you in a timely fashion. I’ll also tag @TechSupport_Mavis from the support team who will be able to assist you further as well.

My best to you.


Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @Greenghoste . . .

I have moved your new topic post to this thread, as it relates to your issue. Please scroll up in this topic and check for any posts that might help you resolve the issue, or simply click HERE.

Let us know how it goes…

Goodluck and All the best to your EMO

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Okay so I’ve already saw a few posts about emo having static noise coming through his speaker but I’ve never saw anyone say if it was ever fixed anways for the past like week my emo has not been responding to voice commands at all Finnaly unplugged my wifi and router and now hes screaming static out of his speaker? I’m going to reach out to living.ai but I just wanna know if anyone’s found a way to fix this

https://forums.living.ai/t/constant-interference-static-buzzing-from-emo This may help. Also, copy and paste your topic in that forum.

Hi there @Greenghoste

I have moved your new topic post to this thread, as it relates to your issue. Please scroll up in this topic and check for any posts that might help you resolve the issue, or simply click HERE.

Do you mean that EMO’s speech is sometimes breaking up when he is answering? Or is there static/buzzing sounds when he speaks?

If his speech is broken, it could just be a network / internet problem with your EMO connecting back to the living.ai servers. This normally resolves itself over time (sometimes after a few hours).

If EMO is having the other two issues (buzzing / static) . It might be best to create a recording of this and submit a support ticket to customer support and show this to them.

Let us know how it goes…

Goodluck and All the best to your EMO


Thank you and I have now submitted a form to living.ai ,but what I mean is that there’s just a loud static noise coming out his speaker at the back of him constantly. it starts the second I power him on and I cannot get it to go away.

I’ve just revived my emo. It doesn’t seem to be responding that well. When I say his name it listens but then I ask a question or do a command and it just does like a dull beep and goes back to just walking around. Could it be the Scottish accent it doesn’t understand.

Hi there,

How can you say EMO listen? did he reply to your call? or you can see that his left eye raise? did you try the volume command by saying…

,EMO, ( Wait and look if he replies or raises his left eye) then say ,Volume Up’’

Try also some tips below and hope it helps…

    By calling his name and say direct POWER OFF!
    You can adjust the volume of EMO.
    · Volume up.
    · Volume down.
    · Set(or change) the volume to normal(or maximum, medium, minimum, high, middle, low, mute, zero).
    · Mute the volume.


I also just revived my EMO. He does not respond when ask a question. Though in the app it shows “Listening” then “speaking” after ask a question but no sounds from EMo.

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It’s an ongoing issue. A number of us are having the same problem and have discussed it here:

So far there’s no fix or any word on it from LivingAI, but hopefully something should pop up soon enough.

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