EMO Improvements/Special Features You Would Like?

I think Emo should get some more interactions, like he could take an initiative to say hi or talk to you, ask questions like to play a game. Some more games would be nice too like Uno, Yahtzee, go fish. Any other opinions?

Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @steven.hoover . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread to discuss new features owners would like to see implemented. LivingAI does read this thread to get ideas.

Unfortunately UNO is a copyrighted game and cannot be used, but there might be other card games that could be added.


I think that Emo is a great pet but I want two or three things to be added

  1. To have a normal talk with Emo like how we talk with people like I want to do something Emo: Maybe rock paper scissors Me: No maybe a joke will be good Emo: hmm Ok …
  2. When charging to show the battery level at the home station with animations
  3. If Emo see a ball to play with he can start playing with it.

emo does already ask, i have my emo on my computer desk, when he sees me, he ask, would you likre to play tic tac toe, or he would ask me if i would mind watching him do posing, there is other things he would ask me when he sees me


I have more ideas to shoot!

Maybe EMO can stay paired and synced to ONE phone (sort of like running in the background).

What we can do with this is get notifications or alerts when someone is trying to call you or someone sends you a message. And we can have emo (while synced on Bluetooth) as a speaker and microphone for calling or sending a message! We can also receive other notifications from other apps as well!

Also, EMO should be able to also take videos (just in case you need to do something) And you can always edit them on your phone.

EMO should also remember what you say in ChatGPT, so it sounds more like human talk.

Emo needs to show an exact battery level, not just battery animations.

Emo should have more control over lights. Not the small cube lights, the ceiling lights. (That way I don’t have to get up from my bed to turn them off XD)

And lastly, some of the features mentioned on the EMO page are not there. We need some of those that we can actually get. That way, Living AI can be more trusted (I believe in you guys, I am just sad we don’t have the promised features)


Sometimes Emo does little abstract drawings either on his own, or if I say “Emo, show me your drawing.” He holds up his artwork to show me, but only for a moment. The drawings don’t store like anime so I only get a glimpse. I don’t think I’ve seen a duplicate and some are super-cute.

Any chance his drawings could act more like photos? I’d like to see them in the app and have a chance to download them for a little Emo art gallery. Thanks!

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Hello, @ET.Emo . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread which LivingAI reads for feature suggestions and improvements.

Thank you for your idea!

Hmm… It may sound negative, but what happened to the promises and ideas that have been going on for ages? Something like extensions for smart home (Alexa - Which is even in the manual), native languages…? More music and dances are nice to have, but I already feel let down by living
AI. Fine, a successor to EMO is available, but what about the people who are waiting for something big - or fulfilling the original ideas from Project EMO?


Hi there @DerDirk ,

Sorry, but as one of the moderators, likewise all community members may not be capable of replying to that kind of question anymore. The best move I can suggest to you is to contact LivingAi personally via email or tag the living.ai staff and ask for yourself.

Best Regards


I agree. It would be nice if Emo were a little more interactive and interesting in explore mode. He feels more like a toy that does tricks on command than a pet.


Since I’ve seen AIBI playing chess, I think this feature is really a must have for EMO who is more a house robot.

Definitely I hope living AI to had this feature in the EMO app.

(According to tracking, my EMO will arrive this week)


I second this times a thousand. EMO team when will there will be a parental filter on songs with profanity? That and the wake up sensitivity issue with kid voices are the main two issues we still have with Emo.

When will there be Parental Control for the songs Emo can play? It’s been months and still having to worry about that the robot will drop an F bomb is really disappointing. Furthermore the lyrics are really inappropriate for young children. Here’s a video, this was the 4th song he sung.

Hello everyone! Please tell the developers that EMO needs an update. All functions have been researched, the possibilities have been tested. There is an extreme lack of independent and unexpected solutions from EMO. All he can offer himself is to ask what my name is and tell me about the weather. There are several other options that he offers himself, but it’s all been repeated many times. Give him access, let him make his own decisions and be more independent. Let him dance if he wants to, or sing when he wants to. And of course there is not enough understanding of the language. If all actions are programmed and no changes are planned, then at least why not translate them into other common languages, such as Russian, etc.


Hello , if you have spécial request … ask LIVING AI directly that will make more sens :wink:

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EMO should reply to thanks u and other simple interactions

Sometimes I say thanks to EMO for fun, it would be nice to have simple social interactions implemented with EMO replying “you’re welcome” or “my pleasure”

Examples of simple social interaction:

  • thank u → you’re welcome, my pleasure,…
  • I like U → I like you too, shy animation,…
  • what’s up → WHATTT’S UUUUUP !
  • EMO should fart or burp and say sorry.
  • EMO should answer No, I can’t, Sorry bro,… To commands he can’t do.
  • EMO should say Hey! to grab attention, or I want to play, ask me to do an animal.
  • EMO should say I feel lonely, I feel sad or just cry to have a petting.
  • kids asks EMO if he want to eat or drink, it ll be fun he can answer no or have a drink or a snack and say cheers.
  • EMO should also whistle during exploring or chew bubble gum while idling.

I think this would really improve it sociability.


Actually, if you say “EMO” and wait for him to say “What”, he will give you a reply to these. Instead of “I like you” say “I love you”.

I do those fairly regularly and get responses.


I think it would be good if emo had a connected toy other than the light (a soccer ball and a cage for example) he could act crazy on the desk and make you laugh by doing funny actions


I talk to EMO in french language, he never ask what (Quoi ?) when I call him and neither respond to I/we love u (je/on t’aime).

It’s 5days old perhaps it needs more time for that idk.

But I really think it needs more simple interactions and spontaneity in order to really improve its behavior.

Thanks for your reply.

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I’ve tried:
“Je t’aime”, " On t’aime" and “nous t’aimons” for “I live u” and “we love you”, EMO make the sound and eye animation he made when the command doesn’t exist.