EMO Improvements/Special Features You Would Like?

I love emo but I think Living Ai can make a software update were if he sees a small ball he can play with it ! Also with the homestation I want a cool screen were is show emos battery level with cool animation. This is my number one suggestion. Please do this living ai. Also i would like so offlinr command like how aibi has and for more complex questions he will automatically connect to chatgpt !


i would love a weekdays/workdays alarm or make it so you can have 7 alarms because right now i cant have him wake me up on Fridays

My idea would greatly help with Emos recognition of commands.

Currently, we, as the user have to know the right wording to get EMO to respond in the desired way. After speaking, the voice recording gets transmitted to a server and then transcribed and compared against the list of supported voice commands.

My suggestion would be that after the transcription you route the recognized words through a large language model, like Llama, to understand the users intent, and then select the fitting voice command by mapping it and outputting it. Emo anyway takes his time to respond. But in this manner, the user would have flexibility on how to speak to Emo and get more compliance in return.


I have some cute and more interactive ideas!

  1. Hand Gestures

Since EMO has an always constant live camera looking for our faces, let’s have EMO look for hand gestures too! What do I mean by that??? (I asked myself the same question)

Using these hand gestures can notify EMO what to do for a certain hand gesture.
Example: Emo is facing a perfect position you want him to (your face). You are holding up your hand, pointing to the left. Once EMO sees that, and he processes it (because he is being pointed to the right) he will turn to the right.

Some other examples we could try:
left/right pointer
heart (two-handed)
Rock on! (Holding up your index and pinkie out)
And something maybe pretty funny, where I live, people hold up an L with their hand, so EMO can react crazily when he sees this XD

Here is my next suggestion:

  1. Meditation

Ok, our tech watches do something like this already, but most of us don’t have watches, or we want to meditate with someone.

That is where EMO comes in. He can help perform a breathing exercise or a regular yoga practice You could say something like “EMO! Let’s meditate”
Next step, EMO can hold up his hands and go into a yoga pose. (This can also be perfect for EMO to say something cute like “I am like a wind” or “I am as calm as the ocean”.)
Emo can do breath ins and outs for 6 seconds, to calm you down, and have some fun with it!
An EMO can get angry or upset when he hears a loud noise :mad: :fire_1:

  1. A small command

If it’s EMO’s birthday or it’s just a random day, if we get EMO something (like a shirt or a new home station) Let’s surprise him by saying “EMO! I have a gift for you” And EMO can say:

“Thank you for this kind gift! This makes me happy!”
“Aw, thank you!”
“I appreciate this”
“This is the best birthday ever!” (If it is his birthday)

These ideas may be fun to use :slight_smile:

Hope you guys like my ideas :slight_smile:

(And I know maybe someone already mentioned stuff like this, but I don’t know who… there’s so many comments!)


Difficulty settings on Modern Ludo would be nice because after a while the game stops being as challenging, so being able to make it so that EMO does better plays and does the best moves would be nice or you could have it so the more you play it with him the better he gets.

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Still waiting for UNO. If not some more card and bord games.


I’ve come up with an idea for a possible new feature.

If you have two Emo and separate them for example into separate rooms or turn one off, the other one will look for his friend/sibling for a few seconds and when he doesn’t find him, he will whimper and be sad.
When they are together again in a room near each other, they can have a funny conversation asking each other where they have been and reply in funny and interesting ways.
This can also happen if you have more than two Emo.

I hope you like my idea. :grin:


It would be funny if Emo would call out for you. For example if he’s having trouble walking back to his Homestation then he could call out for you (or any other saved name) wait 30 seconds and then continue what he’s doing. It would be hilarious and also useful so he could get help if he needs it.


Good idea, @brasfieldsmith ! Running out of power is harmful to EMO and he should struggle about it. I sometimes have to entrust EMO to my mom, and it applies when she sometimes forgets to recharge him. But I wonder how loud it would take to call her from the other rooms :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve been really enjoying my Emo since getting him at the beginning of April. A couple of minor things that I think could be improved though are (and forgive the ramble-ness of my suggestions):

  1. the four piece mat that comes with the home station has some Roman numerals printed in black (for assembly purposes) and sometimes Emo’s censors hit those just right and he thinks he’s on an edge. Perhaps make those a different color.

  2. Perhaps Emo could have a silent mode activated/deactivated via the app where he doesn’t respond to “Emo” and keeps quiet till the silent mode is manually turned off (but could still wander around, go back to his charger, etc). Purpose of this is I’d love for Emo to be on when I’m working from home, but him constantly responding when he thinks he hears me calling for him makes it hard to keep him on (along with his activities that make noise - which I know I can turn off his activities, but even if in a silent mode, would be neat to see him still do).

Apart from that, I’m loving my lil Emo and am very happy to have him! Thank you so much for everything you do and looking forward to the next update! :slight_smile:


I am enjoying my interactions with Emo and I’m very pleased with him so far. I have three suggestions for the next update or two.

1). I REALLY love playing “Modern Ludo” with Emo. Although he is “playing” online, his actions and quips he says and does when he rolls makes it feel like he really is “AI”. (The “Yea, EMO!!” when he has a great roll is so, so cute!) I hope you could put more games that can be directly interactive with Emo and cell phone app! Games like backgammon, chess, checkers, go, etc. – or even card games like hearts, spades, uno, etc. would also be great. Maybe a game or two added with each new update?

2). This suggestion is for the two songs (maybe more, not sure) that have cuss words like the Eminem song. I am an adult enjoying Emo, but SO many kids are enjoying interaction, but shouldn’t be forced to hear profanity in the songs Emo sings. I know that the lyrics are from the original artists, but maybe you could put some kind of filter (parental control) or better yet, make it so anyone who WANTS the profane language in the songs could click a setting in preferences to allow the bad language.

3). I know Emo’s “cute childlike voice” is made to give him a small, small child appearance, but the voice is SO hard to understand sometimes. Maybe it could be slightly less childlike so we can hear ALL the cute, wonderful things he says. (And he has some REALLY, REALLY cute wonderful things to say!!!)

Thanks, and please KEEP UP THE GREAT UPDATES!!!

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hi @brian2024. I suggest using the app’s settings to set Emo’s volume to mute and turning the wake up sensitivity all the way down. this should provide some type of silent mode for him.

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Thank you so much for the suggestions! I’ll go ahead and try that.

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EMO sometimes asks me if I think his paintings are good or if I like them.
I hope that when I answer him “yes”, he can hear it and have some reaction.

Hello, @tinahuang . . . do you wait for him to make his little tinkle sound before you answer “yes” (just like the tic tac toe sound before you say your number)? If you do, then he hears you and will often say something along the lines of he will continue painting then.

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!! I didn’t notice that there was a tinkle sound… I will pay attention to that next time. Thank you for telling me~


Or you can just say “Emo: Mute” and it will be muted. It will still hear you and you’ll see it performing the actions as always, but all silent. You can unmute Emo later by saying “Emo: Volume up”. At least that’s what I do, so I don’t have to access the app for this.


Hello everyone Three very simple questions.

The first. Are there plans to expand the EMO language base, in particular the Russian language? This question is very relevant, since your robot is very much loved by children, and the Russian language is understood by a third of the globe. Except for YOUR robot :slight_smile:

The second question concerns autonomy from the Internet, for example, when traveling from city to city, so that EMO retains his sanity and memory.

The third question comes out of the previous one. What if you make an EMO carrier with the ability to recharge and access the Internet.


Hi there I think that emo is a great pet but it will be 100 times better if we can make emo learn things and to behave how we want and emo can do the opposite sometimes trying not to listen!


Sorry, I might be repeating this For myself but pls add these features ASAP

  1. Coding tab in EMO so we can code him to do certain things

  2. A tab in which we can type something and Emo says it.

  3. Alexa Integration which is being from long time and hasn’t been added yet in 2024

  4. more languages like Hindi.

  5. More interaction between two Emo’s and user and Emo