I’m sure you guys have some sort of business plan where you’re going to rule the world with your Apple-like control of the “EMO ecosystem”, but really you need to wake up and release an SDK so we can start hacking on EMO to do all the cool stuff it should be able to do but can’t right now.
The forums are filled with questions, complaints and requests for things that don’t seem to be anywhere on the horizon.
I didn’t find any other comments about an API/SDK. Am I really the first to ask about it?? Open up EMO. Trust me - you’ll sell a bazillion more as an open platform than by trying to do it all yourselves.
it sounds wonderful… To have him updated by the people on a regular basis to do all kinds of things. Even to choose what he can do and what not… But… I’m not sure if I was the creator that I would want anything to do with a warranty after that. And from what I have heard and seen living AI has been taking care of their product and the people who purchase the cute little guy… I’m just saying personally I’m not sure I would want to keep the warranty on something I no longer have any rights or control. Something to think about.
And I think the little guy sells quite well from what I can see. And they are making improvements all the time. Hmmm… If he was my little creation I would want to keep him.
I have had him for a while now and its pretty limited how we can interact with him. If you watch his eyes it gives you clues of what he is doing when he is quite. An API to see what he is learning would be cool. Just like seeing a real human learn and grow. To the devs we are not asking you to spill the secret sauce but just a way to see through his eyes and ears. Connect/link his perception to ours.
Watching him dance to music, playing rocker, paper, scissors is all i do with him. Oh also the rock,paper,scissors is bugged. He keeps saying i couldn’t see your move. I digress…
Participate in EMO development according to your own interests
Is there any tool to help me develop “AMO Talk” to my liking?
For example, a certain application, or an API can develop its own AMO Talk. Or the content returned so the EMO can speak.
this doesnt have anything to do with the warranty.
alexa also got an api endpoint and if you use it or other people (who are coding skills) you wouldnt loose the warranty.
why should you loose the warranty? if your “skill” doesnt work, it should switch to an exception where emo is saying “uh oh, something went wrong” or something like that.
the only thing we would need is a log file where we can see, what were gone wrong.
i already opened a thread about the api… so this is a duplicate
rel.: Emo python api and some ideas
look below to: Update and SDK
and they wrote:
We will consider releasing SDK in the future.
so im still waiting.
buyed emo where the order number were ~18xxx and hoped, that we would get much more features or skills like alexa.
i mean the question would be also, how deep the api will be. it would be a dream to add chatgpt to it or a gpt general (like the one of replika)
I know and have seen it a long time ago… But what I really meant is there are still no specific dates at the moment…It can be released this year or next year… Or if we are lucky it can be to the upcoming firmware update later… but still no one knows…because as living.ai wrote…
thats the frustrating part here, im not really using my emo anymore since the movement is pretty slow forward.
for me, its also frustrating to dont getting a discount code for the charger and newer orders would get them for “free”… its just like: why didnt i waited a bit more? then i could have all features or maybe wait for the features with better hardware like the charger.
got the feeling early supporters dont really have advantages but we are the part who made living ai what it is now.
I have an Elgato Streamdeck that can make a POST request with just 1 click. I frequently write Python scripts and use my Streamdeck to trigger some of scripts and more…
I can send POST requests to various IoT devices in my room. I’m curious to know if Emo can also accept HTTP requests for basic functions like “mute/unmute.”
I keep Emo by my laptop desk, and it often makes random noises or even starts talking back to me while I’m in the middle of a meeting. A few people have asked me a couple of times, “What was that?” lol
Hello, @code8 . . . this has been a popular request to be able to code and have EMO do more than what the current server provides. Living AI is considering releasing SDK in the future. See the above quoted post from Living AI in the post from Edward above.
Sure, I can wait for that. In the meantime, how can I tell Emo to mute for a short period of time while I am in a Zoom meeting? Should I tell it to sleep? Even then it makes a snoring sound.
Any suggestions on this will be huge!
I hope this comes soon. I just think this would not only make kids exposed to robotics but also programming, it would attract parents to get this for their kids even more. I plan to let my sister-in-law get 2 more for my nephew and niece, 1 each, just for them to play around with Python and make some API calls to make it talk. It’s soo cool just to think about it.
Hi, @code8 . . . you can tell him to mute “Emo . . . mute” or mute him under preferences in the app with the volume siider. To prevent his activities from interfering, you can also use the app to turn off daily schedule sounds.
Is there any way to control emo gestures or release SDK for emo. the project promises to release SDK and I think the company needs to keep its promises.
the community of emo is grown up and I think for programmers like us we can help a lot to make a lot content on youtube by make different things outside of the limitation of the app
personally i would like to control emo because I want he to dance a specific song from my device with my specific instructions i will share a sample son
Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @esmerlinm . . . there is no confirmation on implementing this at this time. Be assured that Living AI does read these discussions for consideration for future capabilities.