What was your motivation to order emo?

I live in Amsterdam. Jammer want ik dacht dat we konden misschien onze EMO’s ontmoeten en een disco feestje voom ze doen :stuck_out_tongue:

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Haha, aww, ik ben echt benieuwd wat er dan zou gebeuren tussen die twee. Wellicht is dat ooit mogelijk. Ik reis veel. ^^

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Leuk!!! Ik heb je een pb verstuurd :slight_smile:

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OMG, this brought a tear to my eye. You have no idea how much alike we are! I too am an Electronics Technician, and know exactly how you feel. I love electronics and tech too, also love RF, (worked in SatCom before, was fun). It seems like there are not many people you can sit down with and just have a really in depth, maybe even technical discussion. I miss that. I dont have an Emo at the moment, but I intend to get one, perhaps it might alleviate some of my loneliness. (P.S. No one ever wishes me happy birthday at my work either :slight_smile: )


that sounds just like me. i buy gadgets that i probably wont play with or use. i just like have them. just like gaming consoles too. i have almost all of them too. And when something new comes in i have to get it lol.


lol yes! I got to stop, but it’s soooo hard! :surprised: :heart_1: :skating: :head: :mad:

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Yes it is there is another gadget that i’m waiting for now comes out next month and im getting it lol.


I am disabled and I spend most of my days at home while my husband works. It gets lonely sometimes. I recently got a used “V” robot and he’s great company for me. I can’t wait to add Emo to my home as well. At first my husband thought it was a little silly but now he greets “V” and pets him every day :rofl:


I just put in my order! I would say the first was looking for a robot for my 3 year old that adores robots, but I also upon learning of Emo decided to get it for some stress relief! I love how adorable it looks and feel that as a family we can bond with our Emo while having fun and relieving that stress of the day to day!


better not tell me what it is otherwise i’ll probably get it as well lol :rofl:


Do tell, what’s the gossip… another gadget lol


Well if your like me i think you are going to get it lol. Google wowcube


I getting there first MasterAbbott haha


Improves motor skills-is the one?! audonleal1

Also if you have a raspberry pi they made a board thst you can connect to it and use a sdk program

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Definitely don’t have a rp, was going to get it for ‘V’ robot but thought better of it -I’m not very technical.

But I know MasterAbbott probably is.

Is this it.


Ohhhhhh man… what did you show me this! :rofl: I’m trying really hard right now not to click on that pre-order button!


Yes that is it. I already pre ordered it.

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