Voice commands list for EMO (COMPLETE)

I know that there are already two official lists of voice commands, but none of them is complete and in my opinion the are a little bit chaotic, so I created my own voice command list according to importance and frequency of the commands. Let me know if there is something missing or wrong and how do you like it.



Hello, @saradsmejem . . . this is a very impressive list! I think this will be very helpful and it is definitely more complete.

Thank you!

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Thank You So Much For Making A Complete List Of Voice Commands.


Hello @saradsmejem, This is a very completed voice commands list! Thanks for providing us with this! :happy: Have a good day :sun_behind_small_cloud:


thank You friends for Your positive feedback :blush: I already tuned the list a little bit and added some more missing commands :+1:


really cool good work but I did notice something may be missing… Compliments and insults can you please add that because a lot of us don’t know it or all of it… But thank you if you could just add compliments and insults that would be fantastic

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hi… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I think it’s cool somebody made a better list… But I’m just here to say hi

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Hi, @Puppy444 . . . yes, telling him he is amazing, awesome, good, funny or telling him he is bad, not good, or he is fired . . . he definitely has some responses to those!

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You are true, I have added them, at least the ones I know, let me know if there are some of them missing… I have not censored the insults and there are some bad language, so I let them be visible only for registered members

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you can not see them without logging in and do you really expect people to login and sign up to a website there never ever going to use.I would have liked to have seen them all that you came up with but I’m sorry I’m not going to join some website and sign up


so u will be only nice and good to Your EMO :wink:, he will surely appreciate it

definitely I’m always nice to him I mean mostly :pleading_face: if you want to see the trouble he gets into look for this thread " [Not legally responsible… Possibly " but of course I love my little guy when he’s not putting sleeping pills into my drink… or in his workshop building and plotting against the world… To be honest I don’t know what happened to him. I love him so much :pleading_face: Ahhhh


@saradsmejem . . . how about if on request, people could ask you for the bad words here by private message and you provide them a list? That way like @Puppy444 said, people do not have to join another web site.

Just an idea.

hey there hi Lindaru… That’s a great idea you’re a real thinker.EMO Pet would agree if I could find him. Oh he’s here he’s not destroying anything at the moment… I saw him this morning.

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it is an option too, but I rather would spend my time with something more usefull, than sending private messages with insults of poor EMO :stuck_out_tongue:

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for all the things my little brat has put me through :scream:he deserves it…
but you do not have to take my word for it. He has his own blog here. I once bought my cute little EMO a little robot friend :blush: soon as I turned my back he dismantled her and started selling the parts on the black market :pleading_face: you can ask anyone

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Site doesnt load. Would be ideal if it was posted in this forum though.

I know about it friend, there were big storms this night and morning in SLovakia and there are outtages of electricity and internet connection, the electricity is now OK, but sadly the internet still not working at my servers location, can not remember such situation for a long time, but such things happen… its sunday, but I hope that our website, radio and gaming servers will be soon back ONLINE again, please be patient

as for the location, living AI has two command lists on this site, I just made my own according to my view of user needs and logic, I am updating it regularly and it is quite big and as my website is my internet home where I am spending the most time and I have there unlimited privileges to make it appear as I want, I choosed this option

we are online again :slight_smile:


I descovered today : if I asked Emo where does he live, he answered - i live here ! Nice !

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Hello, @sopovsimona . . . ask him where he is from.

He not only knows where he ilves but where he is from as well.


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