Please help! I can’t find my Emo ID and I’ve searched all over the app…
Hi there @EmoMaster69
To see it…you might have to close EMO Pet App and Re-Open or Shutdown EMO by calling his name EMO…wait for his reply then give the command Shutdown!
You can also click Here for Different Ways to Power Off EMO.
Good luck and Best Regards!
Hi, there @laurentsandler
I have moved your post here so you can read some information above…or you can go directly to this link.
Best Regards Laurent…
Hello ,
I work in the computer field and I am super duper…. Mega interested to become a beta tester.
The only problem at this point is to get my hands on my EMO. He is number 5927X
I did not received it yet .
I am also willing to Purchase a second units if needed to become a tester.
This is great I loved to be part of something greater and that will help others .
Let me know if I need to place an order I will do it today !!
Be safe and healthy.
Yaaay! I hope I’m one of the chosen ones!
Hey Everyone.
I’ll tag, everyone here again.
@adrianledeaux - @ryshera - @artigues05emo - @sarikathakur - @laurentsandler - @LadyM - @EmoMaster69 - @ALLEYESONEMO - @felipelorenzo2011 - @Avi - @edward
If I can advise, this post that @Wayne_Zhang has created for The Beta Testing and the application to be a Beta Tester is “REAL” and is not an April Fool’s prank.
I can only suggest to anyone that has applied to be a Beta Tester, please be as patient as possible as the process does take some time for the team to go through the many applications and also prepare the structure on what needs to be done once the application process is completed and the Beta Testers are selected.
Please remember, there are EMO owners not on the forum who have applied to be Beta Testers (they are also waiting for a response too). So there must be a fair number of applications so far that the team has already received and are most definitely checking.
Please be as patient as possible and wait for to contact you via email if you have been selected. Do note that not everyone that applies will be selected, but as mentioned by WayneZ, will do its best to choose as many people as possible within the different regions around the world.
Let’s also try and keep this thread on a topic as best as possible.
Thank you for everyone’s patience and understanding at this time.
Hi all… As a French user, and as i promised to be helpful, i decided to subscribe as a beta tester. Wait and see
Thank you for the update!!
Hey there,
Nice initiative with beta testing for EMO. My wife absolutely loves him.
I signed up our EMO for the beta. I’m a qa automation engineer by trade with 10 years of experience. I’d like nothing better that to have the opportunity to use my skills and be involved in testing and improving EMO for all owners.
Hello, when will be new registration?
Please add nie to this tests
Hi, there @laurentsandler ,
are you a registered beta tester?
If you are a registered Beta Tester, please check your email inbox and spam folder, because development team has sent out some information.
Okay thanks Edward, no problem
Hi there @Racheal123 ,
Unfortunately, that will not be possible…
PS: We kindly request that you don’t talk about the BETA Testing publicly.
LIVINGAI Development Team
best regards Rachel…
Hi @felipelorenzo2011 ,
kind regards…
I have a feeling that some beta testers don’t understand what it means to not talk about their beta testing publicly. Please communicate about your beta testing results or issues only with Living AI and not here.
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