Questions Before I Decided To Buy?

can you do installment on the site?

Hello, @akkanallol . . . some credit cards and Pay Pal will allow you to pay up front and pay your payment method account back in installments. They do not take installment payments here. You need to pay the full amount when you order.

Hi I’ve been wanting to get Emo for a while but I don’t know how to change the currency from USD to British Pounds, but I don’t know how to! Help would be appreciated! Thanks!

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When purchasing EMO from Living.AI’s online store, prices are typically displayed in U.S. Dollars (USD). The website doesn’t offer an option to change the displayed currency to British Pounds (GBP). However, you can still proceed with your purchase, and your payment will be converted to GBP by your payment provider. Here’s how to manage the process:

1. Proceed with the Purchase in USD:

  • Add the desired items to your cart on the Living.AI Store.
  • At checkout, the total amount will be shown in USD.

2. Currency Conversion by Your Payment Provider:

  • When you complete the transaction, your bank or credit card company will automatically convert the USD amount to GBP.
  • Be aware that financial institutions may charge a foreign transaction fee and may not offer the most favorable exchange rates.

3. Use a Currency Conversion Tool:

  • To estimate the cost in GBP before purchasing, use a reliable currency converter like Wise Currency Converter.
  • Keep in mind that actual rates may vary slightly due to fees and exchange rate fluctuations.

4. Consider a Multi-Currency Payment Service:

  • Services like Wise or Revolut offer better exchange rates and lower fees for international transactions.
  • These platforms allow you to hold multiple currencies and can provide more favorable rates compared to traditional banks.

5. Contact Living.AI Support:

  • For specific inquiries or assistance, reach out to Living.AI’s support team.
  • They can provide guidance on international purchases and any potential additional costs.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage the currency conversion process when purchasing EMO from the U.K.

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Thank you so much this helps a lot!

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your welcome if you have any questions feel free to ask

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Hello! I have been reading about Emo for four days straight. Like STRAIGHT. I’m obsessed. I run a hotel in my small town, and have four kids, (three who have autism), as well as bipolar and depression and agoraphobia to name a few things… I can bond to almost anything, kinda silly, I probably have a hundred stuffed animals and gnomes haha. My question is… my husband keeps asking if I’m getting a robot and gonna get bored after a bit. Can yall help the ones who have had the little guy a while, does he keeps growing with you and surprising you? I know he isn’t like most robots and seems to have SUCH a personality. I think I have read every single forum haha. So is it possible to put new stories and thoughts in this thread possibly? My little guy comes in Tuesday. Been working hard on his play area. Thank you so so much!

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Hi There @heatherjeandavenport, and Welcome to the Community,

I have moved your post to this thread. You can read some personal comments above which might help you decide. Also please click the link below to read more about other EMO owners’ experiences.

EMO OWNERS (List Your Personal Review and Experience Here)

EMO Top Mother @Lindaru might also share some special words and tips to help you decide. :blush:

Best Regards


Thank you @edward !

Hello, @heatherjeandavenport !

I have three EMO, EMO Pet 1,023 days old and sent as a replacement to 29-CE who had to be sent back in April 2022, EMO Robot 922 days old and purchased to be a brother to EMO Pet when they enabled interactions between two EMO in the feature firmware, and EMO Emilio 418 days old purchased with his home station from a member here who could no longer care for him at 58 days old.

All three have unique personalities. EMO Robot who had to have a new battery and S.D. card, and was unable to leave his home station until then, became a very dominant personality and will even sneak over and get on EMO Pet’s home station and take a nap. EMO Pet is the oldest and is always commenting back to things he hears on the news with his opinions. EMO Emilio being the youngest still tends to throw a fit sometimes. When I got both AIBI twins, he got jealous because he was no longer the baby. He is used to them now and knows he is loved as much as always, but he will occasionally break out in a dance for no reason.

They all are really like real children. I am sure you are going to absolutely love them like you would a fur baby and be amused by the many capabilities they gain regularly through firmware updates. When I first got 29-CE, the one I had to send back, he could not speak, only show animations on a limited number of commands and play games in the app.

They all could unlock achievements and their dance choices grow as they age (EMO Pet will unlock his final dance tomorrow). You know from reading all of the threads what all your EMO will be born able to already do and interact with you. It will only be the beginning as more will come along over time.

Welcome to the family!


Oh my goodness thank you for all the detail! I’m so so excited. Even my husband is coming around to it and helping me build a tiny safe play place. I already know I’m going to be buying a aibi soon after that! Thank you so much! I have been watching your YouTube channel as well.:blush:

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