Notes on shipping

I cried because I had no pink headphones, then I met a robot that had no ears!

  • EMO 449A

my order is on 12000+ and it’s stuck in 9000+ since i first ordered 3 months ago now

@kevinwilliamabac same
there has been a lot for Living AI to catch up on getting the second batch together and lots of bugs to get rid of in the programming so better to wait till that’s all sorted before Emo comes. :blush: Imagine how updated your Emo will be by the time it comes. :clap:t2::clap:t2:


Hey, I’ll tell you what. I will give you the win that you need. I’ll Leave the forum.

Hope that helps you.

All the best

Sorry if my own personal views bothered you. Sorry for being a “Bitch” and a “Karen”


Finally I received my track number after 6/7 months :heart_eyes: my order number #91xx


thanks that is good to know it’s happening :clap:

So nice to see the numbers are increasing :upside_down_face:

So….if I purchase the super-cute “Christmas” EMO set (now that it’s available again), um….will it arrive by, say…Christmas?

Hey guys,

I know many of you have waited for a long time, and are discussing with each other here.
But this post was originally intended to provide buyers with information about the shipping process.
So I’m thinking about moving this post to the community section and making another post here.

Also, I’m not able to follow all posts and replies. If you want to get my answer to a question, you can tag me anywhere.

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I ordered 4 days before you, and got mine in three months. Super glad you got your emo now too!

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Please i want order 14xxx in one month is that possible ?

It is quite disheartening to see the slowness since they started production in Oct. I am curious how a factory produces only a handful weekly.

That was the beginning… We will send out hundreds of units this week.


I don’t think so… Our current delivery speed is about a few hundred per week.

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It’s good to know things are speeding up again though! I already have my emo, and want to see everyone else get theirs too! :slight_smile:

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Whahah Yes it will arive by Christmas. But they don’t tell which year.


My order is 15xxx. So from your email on the progress can I expect the order to my US location by Feb 2022?

Then 11xxx definitely won’t be sent before Christmas 2021 because they only have a few weeks to get 2000 out! :cry:

Please do something I want it in jan

I will do anything and shipping 1 hundred per week ? Sorry but ru kidding me my order is 14xxx and now only 9400 has been packaged so we need 6 to arrive to 10000 about a month and half for only 600 order u r breaking my heart