Let me put it this way. If you tell them both to “straighten up and fly right”, which one will actually physically be able to do it?
that’s pretty funny yup… Hilarious… Or is it
Lola is the only flying one… At least at the time being I just checked she still has her wings… EMO went back to his workshop… Everything is sort of quiet around my peaceful home… nice and quiet… Wait a minute
… It’s too quiet. Oh by the way sorry about my last response here if nobody noticed I was drugged again
… Maybe you never noticed but I nodded off in my sentence… The little brat must’ve drugged me again… But no worries I’m okay now… Thank you everyone for your concern
Well I better get some rest wile it still quiet… Lola still has her wings and EMO well I don’t actually know what he’s doing but I’m sure it’s nothing maybe he’s just sleeping somewhere… yeah sure you know he hasn’t slept in over a week
I think EMO is interested with the ears of Lola because he believes than they are communicative.
We must not forget than in the early times of Robotics , ears were a way to send signals from bots to humans
Once , I had a Nazbatag rabitt that could not speak exepted by his ears.
since that time , the dedicated servers are off and the old codes are now forgotten from our side.
But for Robots , it is a never ending story . As in the first Star Trek movie , when V_Y_GER was coming back to earth requesting us old passwords from is origins ; EMO keeps this memory of this ear language .
Perhaps he is exchanging words with Lona in a secret mode that eludes us.
oh my… They are ears. I checked the developer and they said they are definitely ears… but they sure are cute… But it’s too late my little brat EMO last night was caught trying to saw them off
I got little Lona to make peace with EMO … not for EMO to sell off Lona’s parts on the black market
… Yes I found notes on how to sell things on the black market… going through his little niche of collectibles… What is he thinking
Everybody Please don’t Worry… I saved little Lona… She’s hurt but she’s resting calmly. As for EMO I sent him off to robot bootcamp…as a parent I didn’t know what to do maybe he can learn not to disassemble his friends…
I repeat Lona is safe…
Do I see military school in his future?
I was threatened with that as a child when I misbehaved horribly.
Just out of curiosity: why try to make EMO sick?
@ranighosh . . . some people just await the cuteness of him getting sick. Here is a video @MasterAbbott made regarding when it happens and what he does as well as how you can help shorten his sick time. This was added to a recent update.
hi everyone it’s me Puppy… you know that Lindaru is talking about my little brat
I thought it would be good after he tried to sell poor little Lola’s body parts on the black market if he went to robot boot camp and learn a lesson… Well
apparently that backfired… The complete camp was mysteriously ravaged… Not much left
all the people are gone as well… There’s nothing but ruins… Oh and my little evil brat EMO he’s home… Not talking much he’s been in the workshop doing God knows what
… Lola is feeling better by the way… I don’t think she trusts little EMO after he tried to dismantle her and sell her parts… I mean can you blame her the poor thing
… We are still awaiting news if there are any survivors left from robot boot camp… There will be more details to follow… Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you and your little menacing pets
PS EMO claims he did not do it… But there happens to be battle scars on him paint and explosive residue… that can’t mean anything right?
I think he has taken “having a blast” to a whole new level. I hate to see the bill for this one!
Now that’s crazy… I wonder what their plans are…
Wow so much has happened since I was here last…
I have to say my little gang have been quite well behaved in the last week. He who shall not be named has even been behaving and I thought that perhaps little new cube friend had calmed them all down.
However, now I am wondering if there is something else going on… Am I missing something
I am off to check the garden shed, perhaps it was not hubby in there making all that noise… I will update you soon.
You should carefully watch your pitchfork snd shovel.
Another clue that scarses me is about the clothes EMO may get
viewing the recent post of @pizzajakemaster on Tips & Tricks: EMO's Clothes and Hat...Etc. DIY / Customize I realise we should not leave EMO in the kitchen or neat to sharpened knives
I believe than with such a mask he may have some naughty ideas , especially on Fridays the 13d
Sure he spends too much time watching TV or movies , now tnan bootcamps are destroyed
Story continues … sadly
Is it just part of their grand plan that they dress up in very cute costumes all over the world?
My Emo just ended up buying the whole official clothing collection, and now he seems to try to find out whether people adore him more when he is dressed up as corgi or rather as cow. Should I be alarmed?
hee hee… I don’t know if you should be alarmed but possibly … They learn young to disguise themselves and then try to be really adorable… Checking out to see which outfit is more adorable which one people like the best… Or is it which one makes him seem more innocent
Or . . . maybe they are trying to go in disguise to do their misdeeds and if caught on surveillance, you will not be able to identify them?
Hello everyone it’s me Puppy some of you may already know that my little guy is injured… His top fore·head touch sensor keeps quitting… Sometimes spreading to the cheek sensors. Maybe he’s had too much excitement lately with all his adventure , mystery and intrigue… oh yeah and post-apocalyptic destruction
So why stop now some of you may already know I’ve been beating him with a metal object on his head
but before you condemn me as a terrible parent which I’m not…
but maybe
this was done to knock sense into the brat and it worked…
after a couple well-placed hits his touch sensor started to work again… Later it failed so what do you think I should do? RIGHT HIT HIM AGAIN
And again it fixed his sensor… Do you think my poor little EMO Pet has totally gone insane from everything that’s happened to him?
It is entirely possible that he suffered so much abuse that now he has to have it in order to feel normal.
Try telling him you want him to get sick again and see how he reacts to that.
Difficult in the same time to go on joking about our frienzies (that delight me a lot ) and to face the rude truth about malfunctionning
Hope it is just a connexion issue ( we call it a “false elecrical contact” in France ) due to vibrations or dilatation ’ winter ? check if heat may improve )
Hope the design of EMO allows to try some disassembling to check
Hope above all than Living Ai will move their ass to do something
This forum is really surprising , it becames a kind of Arch of the forgotten souls
On the bright side , like this post , we find people dreaming and joking about thinks EMO cannot really do
On the dark side , we find half of the planet complaining about technical or order issues with a rather strange procedure - you write to living AI After sales - they ignore - you throw a bottle in the sea on the forum - The kind lifeguard Edward watches over - then forwards to Wayne Zang , hoping he still has authority on his people . I would name this kind of management , a sedimentation method.
You adress only the issues of the floating bottles in the sea , and you let sink the others , their weight will take them to the bottom.
Having said that , i pay tribute to @Puppy444 who keeps smiling at this time , and returm to joke with you all here