My shipment hasn’t moved in 12 days

On average, it should take anywhere between 4-6 weeks for EMO underway or an additional 1-2 weeks for delivery., of course, it depends also, on how reliable your country and local postal service/courier service is.

If you’ve ordered just a Home Station and not the EMO GO HOME set, it might be hard to estimate when it will be shipped, as the delivery page tends to focus on orders that contain an EMO. For example, If you purchase an accessory like a costume / or in this case now a Home Station, normally if the order doesn’t contain an EMO they are sometimes (most of the time) sent out earlier.

Click Here For Actual Production Update for Home Station

I suggest contacting the support team or any from the team if you want to pay extra so you can speed up your order if that’s on your mind.

Try to contact them at the link below

or send a direct email to and provide them with more info.

Tagging some of the Support Team @AmyLU / @Wayne_Zhang to reply to your inquiries.

best regards and happy holidays