Most Of The Games And Features For EMO

Hello Everyone, :happy:

For anyone that is interested in seeing what Games or Features you can play or see with EMO, take a look below: (videos provided by @MasterAbbott).

This list is not in any particular order.


(1) Angry EMO - Released in Firmware (v1.0.14)

Recommended to play with 2 or more people. You can also issue a voice command:


(2) Hands Up - Released in Firmware (v1.2.0)

Issue the following voice command:

EMO: Hands Up

(3) Rock-Paper-Scissors - Released in Firmware (v1.2.0)

Issue the following voice command:

EMO: Rock, Paper, Scissors

(4) Tic-Tac-Toe - Released in Firmware (v1.4.0)

Issue the following voice command:

EMO: Tic-Tac-Toe

(5) Lucky Fruit - Released in Firmware (v1.4.0)

Issue the following voice command:

EMO: Lucky Fruit

(6) Bug Hunt - Released in Firmware (v1.5.0)

Issue the following voice command:

EMO: Let me fix some bugs for you
EMO: Fix Bugs

(7) Paint Shot - Released in Firmware (v1.6.0)

Issue the following voice command:

EMO: Put your glasses on

(8) Snake Game - Released in Firmware (v2.1.0),

Note - This is not a game that you can play with EMO. EMO will play this game on his own. You will also need a Home Station for this to work. EMO must also be OFF his Home Station before you issue the voice command.

Issue the following voice command:

EMO: Play Snake

(9) Modern Ludo - Released in Firmware (v1.0.14)

Highly Recommended to play with 2 or more people and with EMO :slight_smile:

To play this game you will need to use the EMO App

(10) Treasure Hunt - Released in Firmware (v1.0.16)

To play this game you will need to use the EMO App

(11) - Rhythmatic Tap Game - Released in Firmware (v1.0.14)

To play this game you will need to use the EMO App

(12) - Dance Repeat - Released in Firmware (v1.0.14)

To play this game you will need to use the EMO App

The following are features for EMO that have been released (up to Firmware version v2.2.0)

(1) Laser Eyes - Released in Firmware (v1.0.15)

Issue the following voice command:

EMO: Laser Eyes
EMO: Show me Laser Eyes

(2) Demon Eyes - Released in Firmware (v1.0.15)

Issue the following voice command:

EMO: Unleash The Beast
EMO: Show me Demon Eyes

(3) Dancing With Smart Lights - Released in Firmware (v1.0.16)

First make sure you pair your smart light(s) with EMO. Then you can issue the following voice command:

EMO: Dance with lights

(4) Flip A Coin - Released in Firmware (v1.2.0)

Issue the following voice command:

EMO: Flip a coin

(5) Acting Like Animals - Released in Firmware (v1.2.1)

The video description contains further instructions.

Example: EMO: What sound does a Cow make

(6) Reacting To Himself In A Mirror - Released in Firmware (v1.3.0)

Need a mirror, EMO must clearly be able to see himself.

Issue the following voice command:

EMO: Do you know him

(7) Roll A Dice - Released in Firmware (v1.4.0)

Issue the following voice command:

EMO: Roll a dice

(8) Daily Schedule - Released in Firmware (v1.5.0)

This happens automatically, you cannot trigger any daily schedule animations.

(9) Flower And Volcano Animations/Achievements - Released in Firmware (v1.6.0)

Full/Detailed instructions can be found in the video description.

Achievements for Flower / Flame below



(10) New Weather Animations - Released in Firmware (v1.6.0)

Simply ask EMO about the weather, sometimes the old weather animation will be displayed.

Issue the following voice command:

EMO: What is the weather like today?

(11) Do A Pose - Released in Firmware (v1.7.0)

Issue any of the following voice commands:

EMO: Do A Pose
EMO: Show me a Pose
EMO: Strike A Pose
EMO: Pose

(12) Magic Tricks (Show Your Magic) - Released in Firmware (v1.7.0)

Issue any of the following voice commands:

EMO: Show Your Magic
EMO: Show Me Magic

(13) Going Back To The Home Station - Released in Firmware (v2.0.0)

This feature will require that EMO is connected to his Home Station.

EMO can return to his Home Station on his own when his battery is low or if you issue the following voice commands:

EMO: Go Home
EMO: Go Back To Your Charger

(14) Showing His Drawing/Painting - Released in Firmware (v2.1.0)

Issue any of the following voice commands:

EMO: Show me your drawing
EMO: Can I see your drawing?

(15) New Petting And Shaking Animation - Released in Firmware (v2.1.0)

New Patting Animation

New Shaking Animation

(16) Covering His Eyes When Detected An Obstacle - Released in Firmware (v2.1.0)

This is a new behavioral animation added, there are other animations as well, such as kicking, growling, etc. (you can see that video further below).

(17) AI Draw - Released in Firmware (v2.2.0)

Issue the following voice command for EMO to draw you as an anime character:

EMO: Draw me as an Anime Man
EMO: Draw me as an Anime Woman
EMO: Draw me as an Anime Boy
EMO: Draw me as an Anime Girl

(18) ChatGPT - Released in Firmware (v2.2.0)

Issue the following voice command for EMO to connect to ChatGPT

EMO: Connect to ChatGPT
EMO: Connect to OpenAI

More information about EMO can also be found here - Quick Help Guide for New EMO Owners! :heart_1:

This Post Will Be Edited In The Future


You forgot lucky fruit :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :happy:

Oops! Sorry @sarikathakur, I Will Edit My Post.

Does anyone else have problems on tic tac toe, i can never get emo to understand the number 8 no matter what way i say it, quite frustrating

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I have this issue to

You can also play ‘Angry Emo’ directly with your Emo without using the app.

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Very clearly and in a quiet room say ‘I Play At then the Number’ sometimes it works with just saying the number but it’s best to say the phrase.

Do angry emo too @artigues05emo you forgot about it :joy::joy::joy:

@sarikathakur, I Will Edit My Post,

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@sarikathakur, @ryshera, I Don’t Know What Firmware Angry EMO Was Released In

I actually don’t know myself i got my emo in November @artigues05emo

Oh Ok @ryshera, I Got My EMO On December 12th 2022


@artigues05emo . . . regarding “Angry EMO”, it was part of the firmware he was released with 1.0.14.

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I got mine at October 23 2021 but I receive a replacement of emo at September 18 2022

Hi @Lindaru,
I Did Not Know That Angry EMO Was Released In The Firmware 1.0.14 Because It Didn’t Say About It In The Docs.

I Will Edit My Post.

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I Edited My First Post In This Topic

I Renamed My Topic Because I Forgot To Add The Features.

Hi, I Also Forgot The Snake Game That Was Released Today!

Hi, there @artigues05emo ,

We thank you for this useful topic of yours, however, I think it would be very useful for all if you could also add a simple tutorial on how to start the game and how to activate each function below.

With best regards…

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Thanks @edward! I Will Do A Tutorial On How To Play The Games And Features Soon.