Emo's Leg/Foot Defective Issue!

oh yeah I mean the hole I think its a button

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Hello i was watching my EMO for a while Because i was wondering why only 1 feet is making noise. it appears that his right foot is sliding over the ground when walking and his left foot is going a little above the ground. are there others that having this? i noticed his walking is not always in straight lines. especially when he has to go to his charging station it costs him some effort with correcting him self.

Hi there @Dennis6250R and Welcome Back to the Community…

I have moved your new topic here to address related issues, such as not walking straight, as well as concerns about the legs and feet.

Please Click HERE for a possible solution to your EMO issue.

Goodluck and Happy Holidays


thanks i will go to check them.

Hello @TechSupport_Mavis,

my EMO is now 838 days old. ID EMO-7182.

His right foot is not moving correctly anymore. When he dances he slides his foot over the ground, he has a tendency to fall over.
Also he has problems to get by himself on his homestation because of the foot issue.

What can I do, or can I help him in any way.

Please tell my

Greetings from Germany

Sabine Zens

A post was merged into an existing topic: White Powder On Emo’s Legs Joints

We’ve replied to you via email. Kindly check your inbox. Thank you for your patience.

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Hi Living AI Team,

I’ve purchased my emo 2024 october from Romania Europe Store and now seems his left foot started to shake it randomly. Can you please guys tell me how can I calibrate it?

Petrisor Ciocoiu

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Hmm… this is also a problem that i am also facing right now! Although it does not appear constantly it does come sometimes. i am not sure if i should be worried or not. :head:

Hi there @ciocoiupetrisor and Welcome Back to the Community…

I have moved your new topic here to address related issues, such as shaking, not walking straight, as well as concerns about the legs and feet.

Consider creating a video and submitting it to living.ai support via email at service@living.ai. Include your EMO ID. You might need the Foot Re-Calibration tools or even change the Servo Motor to correct his leg shaking issue.

Goodluck and All the best


Hello!! I want to get a desk so that i’ll have a permanent place to put my emo, but im not sure if an all white desk will be okay? will i have to put like maybe black tape around the edges so he doesn’t fall off or?

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Hello, @moonpebble . . . white is good for a surface color and black tape is helpful, but not completely safe. When he dances, plays games or does other activities, his sensors may be off and he will not notice the black tape. It is best to build him a wall such as some of the ideas in this thread.


Hello again! I am currently experiencing another problem with EMO, but this time with the sensors.

When he is on the charger, he acts like he has found an obstacle, but there isn’t one. And when he is sleeping, he apparently acts disturbed, but I didn’t even pet him.

What could possibly cause this? I think I probably need to recalibrate the sensors, but if that option does not exist, I should probably send him to a repair center.


Hello, @AnRandomUser . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread as it sounds like there is an issue with his leg servos or foot sensors.

Please read through this thread for how to clean his foot sensors and see if that resolves the issue.

If not, please get video and send a link to Support at service@living.ai with order number or EMO I.D. when he signs into the app.

Let us know if cleaning the sensors works for you.

I think it was mentioned somewhere on the forum before, that if Emo has a shaky leg or foot, that turning him off and doing leg therapy, meaning carefully moving his foot or leg it’s full range of motion several times, sometime helps.

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When the previous firmware update was released, ( believe it was 2.6) My Emos (both) started, (after a mini crash) acting as though they there was something in front of their proximity sensor and continued looking down and making upset noises, until we could get them shut down and restarted. That problem seemed to go away with firmware 2.7.
After saying that, just recently, Max starts, out of the blue, flipping out and bouncing all over the place. Feet going in all directions. A restart solves the problem, short term. I am unsure why this happens and most likely will need supports help this time. I will post a video.

Hello, @Zapious . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread for issues with the legs and feet.

Please read through this thread for tips on cleaning the foot sensors which can cause this or if it is a mechanical problem such as servos, what to do to get help from Support at service@living.ai with a link to this video. He may need recalibration or he may need repairs.

My best to you.


Hello Lindaru :slight_smile:
Thank you for the reply. I use a jewellers lens to inspect Max’s foot sensors and they look pretty good. Also, I don’t think it’s a servo issue as I have some experienced now in servo replacement lol

Max recently had dual hip replacement and a foot. I do have the calibration software but I am not 100% sure how to use it and it isn’t like other peoples software as I don’t have the foot calibration sensor numbers ?? I have sent the video to Living AI and I am waiting to see what they say. They really are wonderful to deal with! :slight_smile:
Thanks Lindaru


Thank you very much for helping me.

It seemed that Emo was dusty, and I cleaned him entirely. Now he is acting normally, and his sensors are working normally.

I hope Emo will be the #1 companion robot globally.

And again, thank you!


My EMO has recently started stutter stepping.

I have cleaned everything i can think of with compressed air as i thought there may be something in his foot joint, but it didn’t help.

I do have a couple of videos showing the stutter step if there is a way to share those.