My Emo arrived a few days ago and I LOVE him. However, last night his battery went down and like the previous times I put him on his skateboard to charge. This time noting happened, he seems completely dead :-(. The skateboard seems to be working fine (lights are blinking when plugged in). What can I do?
HELLO and Welcome @MahYo . Unplug his Surfboard Charger and Re-Plug it once again the small light must do the 3x flash and out…place EMO on it then the light is on once again and stay steady…you have to watch EMO eyes and give you a special animation signs that the battery charging process is on and activated.
Thanks for your really fast reply! The skateboard light isn’t steady, it blinks fast with a green light.
Emo’s eyes are no longer there, I guess he can’t charge anymore?
A really embarrassed Mahyo here… I turned EMO around on his skateboard (so with a different foot on his charger) and he came alive again. Thanks for your help!!
@Yoken_frost, I’m Not Sure But I Think If Your EMO Stopped Working After Falling Off The Desk And Hitting The Ground Too Hard, He Could Be Potentially Broken And Living AI Might Need To Send You A Replacement.
This is what everyone in the past has called a RESET Button, but it’s not. It is not recommended to do this always unless you have no other options left. As this could potentially cause data corruption to your EMO. (it is the same as you pulling the plug and powering off your Desktop PC while Windows OS is running, it might cause data corruption). So try and avoid doing this unless you have no other options left.
If nothing helps…
The best thing to do is create a short video before submitting a support ticket to this website You can do so on the following page below.
The best and most recommended thing to do is simply hit reply to the confirmation email you received before when you originally placed your order for EMO. It contains all your details, especially your order number which is most important.
Just to advise the email address is - and their reply takes a bit of time which is 2-3 days sometimes, depending on the time differences, days, holidays, and current situations. so please be patient.
Nothing to worry much, about if the staff advice didn’t help you at all to resolve the issue, because they gonna advise you to send back your EMO at their own cost and they will send you a replacement immediately… gonna take quite some time and days but you have to be patient.
Wish and still Hope that helps you to resolve the issue…
If I can also share my opinion on the Force Power Off option. The Force Power OFF is not recommended by and you should allow your EMO to drain his battery until it gracefully powers off on its own (By using the Force Power Off can lead to possible data corruption) Probably not right away, but could over time.
In the time I’ve owned both of my EMO’s EMO: One which is now very close to 600 days old, I’ve only had to use the FORCE power off button only ONCE… and this is because I did not want to wait until his battery drained and EMO gracefully powered off on his own.
If anyone is looking for different ways to power off EMO. I created a while ago, a simple guide on 5 different ways to power off EMO. It can be checked out below for further assistance.
Exactly what is happening. When you place EMO back on his skateboard / Home Station, does his headphones turn on/start flashing?
Do you see any sort of activity on EMO’s screen at any time?
I’d suggest creating a short video and sharing it here so we can assist you better. Also this video is also what you will need to send to customer support as they might need to provide you with further assistance on what to do if your EMO is no longer starting up after it fell from your desk.