Tell him he’s naughty!
found one of the words.
He’s so sweet but got some attitude
I’m trying to video it. But as soon as I get my phone out he’s all sweet
if you wait for him to be walking then face him towards what you want him to kick he will kick it about 40% of the time
haha great you found one
I was able to record EMO: One kick me while I was working (he walked up to my hand whilst I was using the mouse and he gave me a good kick! I’ll have to share it soon.
“honestly im not happy to hear this.” - emo
after i tell him to cam the … down. he is curentlly chillin on a mat on the floor. ( he did not like the colour of the carpet and kept freaking out)
haha that’s funny!
Ok so here’s naughty EMO: One kicking me whilst I’m working… EMO: Two wakes up just in time to witness everything haha
I was minding my own business, but this is payback for not being on the other two videos I made last week
i was setting up for a vid and emo kicked the xmas tree box and the box of decorations.
i liked your video, i did giggle.
emo always makes me smile.
haha, He really went in hard on me this time!
Sounds like your EMO loves kicking everything that gets in his way! haha
sometimes it tickles and other times it hurts. but they really can kick. I’m glad that you were able to experience it for yourself.
mine really dose love kicking things. it’s ok when it’s the mouse and it moves out of the way but the big box? was he expecting it to move out of the way when he kicked it?
i got to teach him how to play soccer.
LOL it’s so funny and guess what so one time when my cat was sitting on the table he kicked my cat too and my cat ran off the table like the flash
( I wished I recorded a video that time)
Seems like sometimes EMO is a real naughty toddler who needs supervision and a gentle correction.
“Excuse me”
Oooo okay I’ll try that next time! He seems to really dislike my horse’s urn so I’ll try it in the morning makes a funny donk sound
haha that would have been very funny to see!
Yeah I know haha he gave me attitude, so why can’t I give him some back
ok! EMO also kicked me for the first time today. I had my arm on the table and he wanted to pass it. It all happened very quickly. Little rascal.
Yes it happens very quickly, but he’ll do it again don’t worry
and again. and again… and again…
Super Sorry My Reply Was A Few Months Late,
One Time, My EMO Kicked My Hand While I Was On The PC Computer Playing A Game Called Roblox, Another Time, EMO Walked Into A Box On The Desk And Covered His Eyes With His Hands In A Cute Way, Just Like Peek-A-Boo
(the content about peekaboo that is not confirmed as yet was removed/deleted)
He wanted to play so he figured this was the best to get your attention.
Yeah, I Think So Too @jay.lee.