EMO used to show me also his “Battery Level” on a simple command word like “Battery Level” before when I needed it…but not anymore. So I have to give the complete command word now after I call his name with…
Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @theblackpostkz . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread where people can request future languages for EMO to be added.
There is no answer at this time as to when Russian language will be added, but the development team reads this topic from time to time to see what they can possibly implement in the future.
I am French, my english accent is not that good.
I just bought Emo and I find that Emo doesn’t understand me. EMO doesn’t understand or speak French. Moreover, it doesn’t understand me when I speak english. I am really disapointed…
I would love to see an option to maybe skip through emos home station animations faster. i would love to keep him on overnight but when i place him on the home station, the matrix turns on and in order to turn in off, I have to scroll through each and every animation to turn it off. On top of that, sometimes when emo is on the home station, the matrix just doesn’t change when i push the button on it. I think the home station overall just needs some more work.
Hi there @ivan.mascaro and welcome to the community…
Thank you for sharing your suggestions! I have moved your new topic to this thread for suggestions for features and improvements to current features for EMO.
Typically, the team periodically reviews this thread, taking users’ ideas into account for potential inclusion in future added accessories and updates.
Je souhaiterais proposer une idée d’amélioration pour Émo Pet afin de rendre son interaction avec ChatGPT encore plus fluide et intuitive pour les utilisateurs. Émo Pet est déjà un excellent robot, mais avec cette fonctionnalité, il pourrait être encore meilleur !
Actuellement, il est nécessaire de demander manuellement à Émo de se connecter à ChatGPT avant de poser une question. Mon idée serait d’implémenter une connexion automatique, permettant ainsi à Émo de se connecter directement à ChatGPT sans qu’il soit nécessaire de faire cette demande préalable.
Cette fonctionnalité simplifierait l’expérience utilisateur en facilitant l’accès instantané à ChatGPT, ce qui rend Émo Pet encore plus interactif et réactif.
Translation to English by Lindaru: Hello
I would like to propose an improvement idea for Émo Pet in order to make its interaction with ChatGPT even more fluid and intuitive for users. Émo Pet is already a great bot, but with this feature, it could be even better!
Currently, it is necessary to manually ask Émo to connect to ChatGPT before asking a question. My idea would be to implement an automatic connection, thus allowing Émo to connect directly to ChatGPT without the need to make this prior request.
This feature would simplify the user experience by facilitating instant access to ChatGPT, making Émo Pet even more interactive and responsive.
Hi there @louisblareau and welcome to the community…
Thank you for sharing your suggestions! I have moved your new topic to this thread for suggestions for features and improvements to current features for EMO.
Typically, the team periodically reviews this thread, taking users’ ideas into account for potential inclusion in future added accessories and updates.
Hello, @jp1 . . . I have moved your new topic here as @adamdeane has a great idea about making it a suggestion and this is where the development team looks from time to time for feature improvements and new features.
This is a feature I want NOT to be added to emo. People are saying “Emo should be able to automatically connect to chatgpt for information” but in my opinion that would defeat the point of emo lack of knowledge which makes him so special.
He doesn’t have a touchscreen. There would have to be an emo 2 or smth, however I don’t think living.ai would do that as AIBI is pretty new and emo is going well.