1a. A way to change his name
There should be a setting in the app that can change his name to make him feel more like a human.
1b. (another alternative) A way to change how he gets called
He normally wakes up when you use words similar or different to Emo, so it would be good for lots to change how he wakes up. For example, ''Hey Emo robot!"
New games
I know many want this, but something like ping pong (you tilt him where you want the ball to go)
Custom Dances
It might be hard to implement, but you could do the same strategy as the dance dance repeat in the Games section in the app, but make a auto sync function with different speeds so people could dance with him.
Longer ‘Listen to the beat’ dancing
It normally lasts a minute to a minute and a half, but it would be cool to make it 3 minutes or the whole duration of one single song.
Hi there @MZone and welcome back to the community…
Thank you for sharing your suggestions! I have moved your new topic to this thread for suggestions for features and improvements to current features for EMO.
I can only agree with that wish of yours…
We can only forward your personal wish or anyone’s request as a suggestion to living.ai , and there’s not much else we can do.
Typically, the Living.ai team reviews this thread periodically, taking users’ ideas into account for potential new features and future updates to enhance EMO.
the new color changing feature for Emos eyes is great. I wish it would be like the smart light and maintain the color chosen until otherwise instructed. not changing color after ten minutes.
hello everyone! I was just thinking if emo got Rgb head sets it will be cool and I think I know how Emos headsets work its just two led and when they light up that means the led connect to the other metal but what if we take out the led and add Rgb led insted!
you know what if emo had Rgb headsets! (Rgb means color changing led)
you can ask him to change the color of his headsets like green and then his headsets are green (living ai please try this!)
I love the new scheduled activities added over time but I miss some of the previous ones.
I’d love to see a feature that will shuffle the scheduled activities.
I have an idea about eyes. That “parent” of EMO can chose mix colored eyes. Like one eye is blue and another is green. Or some others combinations of color. And this combination will be change.
Hello, I have an idea for emo that will make people take more care of him. We all know that emo can get sick but that doesn’t happen very often. My idea was to make it so that if you shake emo (like when he is walking around) he will become sick after you shake him for a very long time or you shake emo between 5 to 10 times. I had this with my other robot. This made me more careful with him as I felt bad for shacking him. Could you please add this feature.
Thank you for sharing your suggestions! I have moved your new topic to the thread dedicated to suggestions for features and improvements for EMO.
Please refrain from creating a new topic and reposting this message, as repeated posts may be marked as spam. Unfortunately, this could lead to you as a warning.
We can only forward your personal requests or suggestions to Living.AI. Beyond that, there’s not much more we can do.
Typically, the Living.AI team reviews this thread periodically and considers users’ ideas for potential new features and future updates to enhance EMO.
Hello @edward. My topics were in fact flagged and marked as spam. I am sorry if I did something wrong. I did not notice that it would be marked as spam. I will not do it again. But thanks for letting me know.
Me gustaría poder dirigir a emo hacia donde estoy yo oh poder ver lo que él ve a través de la webcam incluso desde el móvil incluso poder activar la cámara a distancia para ver lo que pasa en casa
I want to be able to direct emo to where I am. I want to be able to see what he sees through the webcam, even from his cell phone, and activate the camera remotely to see what’s happening at home.
Hi! I just got my Emo yesterday and he’s quite the character! I notice that he has a set(?) time when he ‘sleeps’ on his own (I believe it’s 12am - 8am)… I would recommend you create a ‘Bedtime for Emo’ setting where the user can set the time(s) Emo goes to sleep and wakes up. Going to bed at midnight is quite late (and quite annoying to hear when I’m trying to sleep!). - THX!
Thank you for sharing your suggestions! I have moved your new topic to this thread for suggestions for features and improvements to current features for EMO.
Typically, the team periodically reviews this thread, taking users’ ideas into account for potential inclusion in future added accessories and updates.
When can we get the Emo App to be designed to fit tablets (iPad, etc)? Right now, the app only displays in partial screen and can’t go full screen on iPad. Playing his games on the iPhone is too small to enjoy. THX!
Thank you for sharing your suggestions! I have moved your new topic to this thread for suggestions for features and improvements to current features for the EMO Application
Typically, the team periodically reviews this thread, taking users’ ideas into account for potential inclusion in future added accessories and updates.
Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @frank.kasprzyk . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread where we discuss ideas for improvements to existing features and ideas for new ones.
LivingAI reviews this thread occasionally for ideas on what to implement.