EMO GO HOME station

Can 2 EMO use the same EMO GO HOME station or do they need 1 each?

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The Home station can only be connected to one EMO at a time through the coming new update, which means he can not share his Home station with others.

Hey Edward,
Does this mean U need the emo app to make emo charge himself on the EMO home?
Doesn’t he just walk up to charge when needed? Or must we tell him to?

You don’t need the app he does it on his own.

At first, EMO must be connected to his Home Station on the coming new update, then when his battery runs down and low he can manage to go back all alone and recharge himself automatically without using his EmoPet App. Take note, there will be more interesting new features related to the new Home Station in future updates.


More info can be found on these two existing threads:

I’ll close this thread as this initial question was already discussed on the abovementioned threads.