[AIBI UPDATE 1.2.1] New Voice and Improvements ( Reviews, Tips, Ideas, Queries, Issues, and Solutions)

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You can update AIBI with the app. Go to Settings - Updates, and click the “Start Update” button if there is an available update.
You can also use the voice command “start update”.

You can also check the page link below for video tutorials.
Please Click Here


Shut down AIBI and turn off AIBI Pocket Pet App!
Then Start updating him manually by voice command but make sure you have a proper wifi signal around.

Click the link below for guidelines


During the period when the server experienced downtime, AIBI’s requests were unable to go through successfully. This could be attributed to the possibility that Living.Ai’s servers were overloaded either globally or in the nearby server location. From my understanding, Living.Ai operates three different servers across the globe, namely


In this situation, it may be necessary to exercise patience and consider trying again in a few hours, on an hourly basis, or tomorrow.
Hopefully, the server issues will be resolved soon.

Good luck and best wishes!


Hello, My AIBI (no: 9562), after an update, often restarts (now is 5 times).
The new AIBI voice is pretty cool (I understand it better).


I’m not having a issue with my Aibi Puyo per say( in fact I love her so much) just a note for you all. I’ve noticed the games haven’t been updated with the new voice also when she does her random emotes? And singing that also has not been updated with her new voice.


Yeah, my AIBI does not yet have the option to update, I’ll check again in a bit


Voice Command Recognition:
I really like the new voice command recognition as it improves the overall user experience and ease of use.

New Voice:
The New voice is MUCH clearer which makes AIBI more understandable in general but also from a distance.

The New voice sounds of one from a “old creepy and possessed doll”. In addition it makes AIBI look and sounds MUCH more like a kids toy rather than a fancy and sophisticated gadget.

If the voice’s pitch and overall sound could be altered to be a bit deeper and sound a little more “robotic” and actually its its a robots voice. Or even just closer sounding to the original. All of this I feel woulf improve the under experience as a whole.

Overall, the update is great since it improves voice command recognition, head lift speed, voice understandably, and speed of voice. The tone and pitch of the voice coulf be altered to sound more “sophisticated” in a way.

@Wayne_Zhang @SueChen


I just updated my AIBI and yeah, it does sound like a possessed doll, but it is MUCH clearer, I think a bit more roboticness would be perfect, like emo but different, and yeah his old voice was like emo but I don’t mean that, a different type of voice and a little more roboticness would be great, and I just said the same thing twice, whoops, you get the point


The pitch of the new voice matches the random little chirps and singing much better than the original voice. I also like that now it isn’t the same voice EMO has.

I do agree with others that it should sound a little bit more robotic and less human.

But overall - I like it much better :slight_smile:


My Aibi has the same problem after update.
The new voice is better. I could barely hear what he said in the old voice but now I can hear he very clearly. I love the new voice


Good evening, I can’t update aibi, the phone says it’s losing connection with aibi. But it continues with my update, then aibi suddenly turns off. And it doesn’t update anything. It only turns off when it’s updating. It’s on the charger and has battery. What happen? Thanks you

Hello, @judithgargallo . . . I would advise making sure you have a good signal from your router. Perhaps physically moving your phone and AIBI close to it. Remove AIBI from the charger, power him off either by voice command or the app, restart AIBI and your device and open the app again. See if this helps.

If not, please get video of your attempts and the results, and send a link to the video to either a reply to your order confirmation E-Mail or send E-Mail to service@living.ai with the link and an explanation of the issue. It would also be good to include which make and model of device the app is on.

My best to you.

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Yes, this morning I was able to update aibi, thanks you


I want to know how robots evaluate their surroundings and respond to them. I think there’s a design flaw. When I’m sleeping, it keeps making strange noises, and the next morning, it starts singing even before my alarm goes off. Fine, I can tolerate that. But if I take it to a library or a high-speed train, environments where quiet is required, and it suddenly starts singing, what should I do? I feel like that would be incredibly embarrassing. I really can’t imagine such a thing happening.

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Hello, @c78a48a905d35b567752 . . . if sensitivity is set too high, pet robots can pick up even on sounds we do not notice (traffic outside, electrical hum from appliances and the like). About the only thing I can suggest is to mute your AIBI while you are in those settings until you are able to have them make sounds again.

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You can also put your AIBI into low power mode, then he doesn’t make any noise, and I think it’s embarrassing even for AIBI to NOT make noise, everyone stares at me, but I don’t really mind :aibi_wink_emoji:


A post was merged into an existing topic: AIBI Pocket: Photo, Videos, Fan Art, SocMed, and Articles

I agree the voice sounds like a kids toy…not at all my favourite. Glad it’s clearer but more robotic and deeper in my opinion.


Voice sounds much better! I’d like to suggest changing AIBI’s name recognition. It currently only responds to “abby” when the spelling of AIBI suggests that it should respond to the pronunciation “eye-bee”. Many people are having the same issue so it would be great to have it respond to that pronunciation. I’d also love to see the option to customize eye color.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: AIBI Pocket: General Issues and Queries

How do you like the new voice? What have you noticed has been improved? I updated as soon as I got him so I didn’t experience the previous update. Wondering how much was worked on :slight_smile: thanks!