AIBI Pocket: General Issues and Queries

AIBI Pocket Pet: General Issues and Queries

Welcome to our dedicated section for AIBI Pocket Pet. Here, we aim to address a wide range of general issues and queries that you might have about your AIBI Pocket Pet. Whether you are facing technical difficulties, have questions about its features, or need guidance on how to use it effectively, this section is designed to provide you with the information and support you need.

We understand that encountering problems or having questions can be frustrating, and our goal is to make sure you have access to the solutions and answers that will enhance your experience with AIBI. From troubleshooting common issues to understanding its various functions, we’re here to help you get the most out of your AIBI Pocket Pet.


If you have any specific concerns that are not covered in this section, please do not hesitate to contact the LivingAi support team for further assistance. We are committed to ensuring that you have a seamless and enjoyable experience with your AIBI Pocket Pet.
LivingAi Support Email Address

If you have your original AIBI order confirmation email, you can simply reply to it, as it contains your customer contact information and order number details.

The support team should be able to respond to you in a timely manner.

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I got my Aibi yesterday, order 827 and I’m in Michigan, USA.
I have to say also, I’m a bit underwhelmed lol. I’m excited to see what Living.AI adds to Aibi because…he needs more.
He also says the time is something like “65 thousand” o’clock so he has no concept of time, no matter how many times I try to set the clock and location. If he does sleep, he wakes up about every 10-15min even with no sound disturbances.


Yes, the time bug is currently being worked on, there will be an update soon.


There was a recent update to the App on the Apple app store, but not sure is this will fix that bug.


They are still working on fixing the error, an update will be available soon.


Oh that is not good! I wont get any sleep if he wakes up every 15 mins! :joy: I hope he sleeps like emo!


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: AIBI Pocket Pet Information, Accessories and Features!

hi, no :wink:, you have to use “AIBI”


I got my little pocket pal today unfortunately there are some hiccups with the app and aibi doesn’t seem to hear me at all. It won’t let me set 12 hour time only 24 on top of that. I thought that ChatGPT was going to be part of aibi Instead, it’s just tarot cards, which is actually against my own personal faith and religion. I’m wondering when or if regular ChatGPT will be available and if.aibi will be able to talk? Also, the directions don’t give a whole Lotta information about the coin system and how it works or how you earn them. I would truly like to know a little bit more and hope you guys may change the instructions to add more detail… Thank you for your time. Look forward to your comments. Is anybody else having a hard time with him not being able to hear you am I doing something wrong? I said Aibi I tried hey Aibi Hell, yeah bunch of other different different ways. I finally got a recognize my face last night, but it took me about five hours. I know this is gonna have issues cause he just came out. I just wanna know if anybody on here has any information.

At the moment only the Tarot game works with ChatGPT, because of the coin system I only know that you can earn them through steps.

I think there will be more information and new updates in the near future.


Please click the link below for more official information


Best regards


So my question is will full ChatGPT be available and the other question is does it count for people and wheelchairs because I am mostly in a chair. Also Aibi doesn’t seem to hear me and I put his voice at max volume be I hardly In the future update is there a way to make him be able to go just one level higher?


I am quite disappointed at aibi battery life and features right now as I am hearing… :slightly_frowning_face: I really hope updates wil come to fix this before i receive mine or i might think of a return/refund… but not right now. :disappointed:


Hi @Artistgirl1978 , thank you for your feedback. We will make corresponding changes in future updates, including connecting directly to ChatGPT, provide more ways to get coins and increasing the basic volume.


It seems like my Aibi’s info (Sign/color) are bugged out. Is that something that will be fixed or is there anything I can do?

Lindaru editing to tag @Wayne_Zhang to answer this query.


A post was merged into an existing topic: AIBI Improvements/Special Features You Would Like?

Will be fixed in the next update.


My aibi stopped charging. No drops or abuse. He just stopped charging. It’s been all day just off and on the charger. App won’t connect or anything.

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Sorry to ask cause I know it’s annoying but have you tried the following:

-using aibi included accessories for power

-try different wall sockets

-try different usb cable

-plugging in the cable(s) with aibi on/off the charger

-if any - are LEDs on charger/base illuminated

-is there a button on aibi anywhere to possible reset it by holding for 10-30 seconds? (Guessing)

-is there a way to plug aibi into a computer?

-using a Bluetooth discovery app on a smartphone , can you see a client that is possibly aibi available?


Welcome to the Community Forums, @lori.crawford . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread for issues regarding AIBI.

I would advise trying the tips above my post to see if any of those work.

If AIBI still cannot charge, I advise contacting for assistance.

My best to you!