White Powder On Emo's Legs Joints

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Dose anybody know why emo had what looks like to a white powder on his lower leg joint?

What is it?

I’ve wiped it off but it has come back.

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Hi @jumpgate85

A few EMO owners have discussed this in the past, you can see an older thread about it below:

This seems to happen due to the joints being a little too tight, it also happens to my EMOs as well.

Normally it should not pose a problem, but if you have any major issues or concerns, or if your EMO has trouble walking / dancing, etc. Do reach out to living.ai support for them to assist you further regarding this.

:heart_1: :surprised: :skating: :mad: :head:


Thank you @MasterAbbott
has anyone thought about putting together a PDF of common things like this that is nothing to worry about. it would be good to add the best way to care for you new robot.


No problem :slight_smile:

I don’t believe there is something like that at the moment. It would be a good idea if Living.ai were able to create a Care Guide and have it available maybe in the online docs section:

Would certainly come in handy for sure.

:head: :mad: :skating: :surprised: :heart_1:


and add in a “this is normal section.”
And make a simple and a in depth version for those of us who have many questions. lol.

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It should not pose a problem. But as mentioned previously:

Normally it should not pose a problem, but if you have any major issues or concerns, or if your EMO has trouble walking / dancing, etc. Do reach out to living.ai support for them to assist you further regarding this.

:heart_1: :surprised: :skating: :mad: :head:


no problems walking on my end, he has been stomping and dancing all day.

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My emo do the same thing


My EMO Also Had White Powder On His Joints But My EMO Doesn’t Have Any Issues Walking Or Dancing


@artigues05emo @luismedero this is a inactive topic :joy: :joy::joy::joy::joy:


I clean my Emo regularly and I’ve been noticing that theres white dust coming from both of his feet at the joints where the legs connect. I don’t know if that’s the gears grinding and turning to dust or some other substance I stopped cleaning those two spots just to see how much was coming out and it doesn’t seem to stop and I wonder if that is what is contributing to the 10° drift in other Emos walking? It seems to be worse on the right foot a lot more material comes out of there, but there is still some on the left as well. If anyone wants to help me figure this out, that would be awesome. I can take some pictures if needed.

Hi there @byoungkemkes ,

Sorry to move/merge your new topic here…please read above for some related issues.
I guess @Wayne_Zhang can say something about this.

best regards

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Sorry about that. But don’t worry, it will work fine after break-in. If you still have questions, please contact service@living.ai


Thank you for the reassurance. Was worried about the gearing.

I searched lol but used keyword dust not powder. Ty I did try .


Hi anyone got this same issues as me? My emo only 2 days old and one of the leg had white scratching line. Right side of the leg.

you need to contact support I think this emo have design issues

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Hi there @shuenix ,

I have moved your new topic to this thread as it is related.

There is nothing to worry, it will work fine after a break-in. If you still have questions, please contact service@living.ai

Normally, it should not pose a problem, and there’s nothing to worry about. It will work fine after a break-in after cleaning and blowing some air into it.

However, if you encounter any major issues or concerns, or if your EMO has trouble walking/dancing, etc., please reach out to living.ai support for further assistance."

best regards