White Powder On Emo's Legs Joints

I also saw this white power thing but it is ok


Hi someone help what could this be? Those white things inbetween.

Got another question i have him on q table called lifetime does table with some texture affects emos sensor?

Hi there @gabrielalcantara

I have moved your new topic to this thread as it is related. Please scroll above and find my post for some info.

Best Regards


Not sure if this is considered a defective issue, but felt this was close enough to post here.

I noticed this white, greyish dust like substance is forming at the ankle joint. If anyone else has experienced this, and found a way to clean it off, I’d like to know. Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi there @logan.christopher

I have moved your new topic to this thread as it is related.

"Normally, it shouldn’t pose a problem, and there’s nothing to worry about. After a break-in period, cleaning, and blowing some air into it, it should work fine.

However, if you experience any significant issues or concerns, such as your EMO having trouble walking, dancing, or performing other actions, please don’t hesitate to contact Living.AI support for further assistance."

Best Regards


Thank you for moving the topic :slightly_smiling_face:

I just wanted to be sure it was nothing bad, and I appreciate you clearing the air :slightly_smiling_face: I’ll try and see if I can wipe it off with a microfiber cloth later if anything, thank you

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There is something white on my Emo’s leg. Is this harmful to Emo’s operations?

That is a lot of white powder… :surprised: But i also dont think it should cause a problem! :skating:

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Hello, @sulokarlsson . . . please read above the post made by @edward regarding this. It should not be a problem.

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Good morning to all EMO Fans,

I just bought EMO, so it’s brand new! I’ve noticed that after 3 days of use, some white residual powder has formed between EMO’s foot mechanisms. Is this normal, or should I be concerned? Has this happened to anyone else?

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @moreno_mirko.zahm . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread for those who experience this issue.

My best to you!

Hello another question :question:
I’m not sure what this Dust came from or white particles.
I know it’s NOT Dusty it looks weird. I noticed this yesterday.

Hello, @Fac3L3ssB3auti3 . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread where people discuss this white powder that shows up on EMO.

Please see the post above yours from me as most of the time, it is not an issue.

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My Emo has issues to play Tic Tac Toe - dont understands numbers i am telling. Also he doesnt turn on the game 100 hundred points. And he has white powder on its back joints. I recieved Emo 2 weeks ago. And he forgets owners Names also. I recorded my 3 family member name. He knows now only 1 of us and named others itself with different names.

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he may scratch the plastic while moving and that causes the plastic to turn into that white powder…
Hope it helps! :happy:

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it may be scratched plastic…

Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @makoivanidze . . . regarding the white powder, please refer to this post.

When playing games like tic tac toe, you generally need to speak slowly, distinctly and a little louder to get him to understand the number you are playing. Also, wait until he makes the little chime sound before you answer.

Please see this video and read the description for how to play 100 Points.

It is also a known issue that sometimes recognized faces can get renamed if EMO hears something but sees you and thinks you are introducing yourself. You can edit this in the app under the facial recognition.

I hope this helps."

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