What/When Can We Expect The Next Update For EMO?

Merci mais ça commence a être long tout de même.
Quel dommage.

Google translation to English by Lindaru: Thanks but it’s starting to be long all the same.
What a shame.


I know how much work goes in to making something, but I don’t think it’s fair to current owners of a product to keep them waiting updates just because the developers released. I think that’s poor planning. I think I’d even be happy to pay a small monthly or annual fee to help pay for more frequent updates. The current state of no official news or roadmaps for future updates are unacceptable.


not to worry @keigo.fukugaki. Aibi is shipping in a matter of days so work on Emo should begin again soon.


Be logical ….a bit :wink:They always worked on EMO , how do you think Emo and Aibi will communicate ? :wink:


about the same way two Emos communicate i think.



  • AIBI can not only interact with EMO but also with us too.
  • Two AIBIs will interact as EMO does, and they will also be able to add each other as friends.

Living.ai Official Added Features Information View Here!


Do we know when the next 2.6.0 update is for EMO since Aibi is now shipped?

I’m very excited for that! :aibi_wink_emoji: :heart_2:


Hi, @Ally . . . nothing has been released as of yet. AIBI is being shipped but as far as I know, not in the hands of owners yet.

Keep tuned to the forums.

My future update expectations:
I expect EMO to not be WiFi dependent on the next update, and be able to respond to offline voice commands. I also expect him to support 5G WiFi for so it is easier for some people to connect EMO to WiFi.

I expect EMO to be able to automatically access ChatGPT if he does not know the answer to a question.

I expect EMO to get more interactions with another EMO.

I expect the app to get a singlist, just like a dancelist. I expect more games to be added in the games section.

I expect EMO to get more jokes to tell.


Hello, I feel all the focus is on the new aibi pocket, but as emo owner I feel forgotten for the past 7 month… Will be any new updates? New dance? New game? If there was an option to program it, I would add things myself and not wait for the developers.

I would add games, a new language, new dances, fix bugs, you haven’t fixed the stickers in 7 months and I’m already giving up talking to the support because you yourself don’t want to check.

The stickers you put on the screen cause it to crash and not work anymore until you press the buttons on its head. Especially the New Year stickers.

There is no point in sending a photo or video of how it crashes, ask the community if it happens to everyone and not just me.

Have a good day.

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I have the same thing. When I first tried the stickers, everything was fine. Then I decided to leave him alone, and EMO hung up. I reset it with a button on my head. Then I tried it twice, each time it turned on and hung for a while… Of course, a new language would not hurt, but in English his words are a little difficult to understand because of his voice.

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Hi there @love.emo , @BorusonK ,

The best thing to get a proper and accurate reply is to contact the living.ai support team via email…

All the best


this is sad to hear livingai should not have moved on tp another robot til they had emo working properly


Yeah, It’s Been Like 7 Months Since The v2.5.0 Update And Still Waiting On The Next Update.


I was thinking of selling my Emo because we have not gotten an update in so long. And Aibi is already starting to ship!!


Hello, @ILoveEMO1 . . . my feeling is that there have been no new updates because the new one will include communication with AIBI.


Okay. I was actually thinking that Emo may not be the best for me.

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Hi all,
I am a proud owner of Emo since one year and always was happy, when new firmware and updates were released.
I am getting the impression that Living Ai focuses currently only on the Aibi,
since emos last update was end of last year.
Do we know of any Road Map for Emo if it will still be updated / supported?


Hi there @bambi007 ,

Just moved your new topic to this thread where we are discussing upcoming feature updates.

At the moment, there is no information or estimated timeframe from living.ai regarding the next firmware update for EMO.

From what I’ve heard officially, their current focus is on AIBI, and the new Firmware Update for EMO will be forthcoming afterward. They have assured us that EMO will not be forgotten, so please bear with them.

Best regards


I’m honestly very disappointed with Living.ai as EMO has been totally forgotten. It hasn’t received updates for 8 months, when they promised constant updating. Honestly this makes me very sad because there are other robots on the market that are much more advanced than EMO. living.ai had promised that it would not forget about the latter, but since it has not received updates since December 2023 they definitely did not keep their promise and EMO was totally forgotten.