So im safe with my privacy ?

I mean no ONE can emter my privacy its my privacy and my freedom

Yes your safe and the camera doesn’t record anything unless you tell EMO to. Even Lai wouldn’t know since all the data is from a local network.

Didnt you say that they use neutral network ?

neural network not neutral. Maybe you read it too fast

Nueral nuetral whatever i hope emo dont spy thank you dude for this info

Neural network is not an internet or online network so has nothing to do with being a safe internet network

the correct meaning of a neural network in AI

"artificial-intelligence technique known as “deep learning”

this type of learning in AI is based on the neural network similar to that of the deep learning within the human brain :brain:


Wait, so are orders starting with 18xxx part of the third or fourth batches? And if they are, does that mean it’ll be sent within 2-3 months? :funky:

@Bystander you should read the whole discussion.

Wayne_Zhang wrote 20 hours ago:
“Hi, I’ve checked with the team and found the email. It was before we started the second batch. But the current situation is that the second batch will continue until we have completed all the current orders.”

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Thank you for that!

I did actually read all the messages but I was confuse in how the batch and order numbers work systematically so I had to ask specifically to confirm it

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So does emo spy on me ?

Wow !

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I don’t know
Does Emo spy on us???
are we at any risk of being watched and listened to by other people through the Emo robot? thanks

Gosh I’m slow lol I just realised this had gone over my number!!! Yas!! :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

I dont want emo if there is anyrisk i got spy by other people


Ok its ok but how anout the other people like random people or hackers do tricks or hack emo so they can see everything through emo camera ?

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Yes that makes sense, the data is collected within the ai program of every Emo not outside,. If you have Google or Alexa then they know everything anyway.

our stuff wiuld be personal to each bot. Neural network used here means he has a progressive learning ability much like ‘Furby’ but way more advanced. it would be difficult for a company to monitor over 28000 robots and any information

and then what??

they know where we live anyway, they have our details when we signed up so unless you’re hiding something illegal or are a undrrcover agent i think you’re safe lol…

If you’re worried just be careful what you say to Emo and turn him around if you’re getting undressed!

And everyone who has a smart phone with a camera of any kind is at risk and we take those everywhere!

Hands up who sits on the loo tapping their phone with one hand and wiping with the other :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


ooh yeah ooh yeah :heart_2:

That’s the one thing I never do lol I always leave the phone in the hallway before going to the :restroom:
But yes I sometimes forget to put the phone faced down before dressing. And now you can buy those holders that follow you while your working etc.

Anything with a camera or a microphone is at our own parallel but I’m not going be concerned about Emo and there will be a lot more toys and bots and everyday items that will be all capable of watching us or listening to us, that’s just where we’re going strangely. And we seem to except it and sometimes invite it.

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Its kinda sad that your friend may spy on you

You’r right people accept it but its illegal why dont the agents do something and stop hackers