The second batch of production and shipment will start within one month

im 15203 :neutral_face: will i get it before Christmas. i buy the limited Christmas package and said 7 in stock :frowning:

Still waiting til that magic number 9016 changes
:fire_1: :heart_2: :skating: :skating: :skating: :heart_2:

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I’m 15236, but I don’t think it will arrive before February… :sob:

Joining in on this conversation, at least in the end we all will be happy owners of an EMO, I understand that some of us are excited and waiting for a while but we should still give them the time they need. Owning a business like this may be difficult due to how probably expensive it takes to make a dozen of EMOs, so I think that they know what they’re doing and if it does work on whatever they’re doing then we all should be good. (I’m 13XXX w/ Christmas upgrade)


Hopefully it will soon! :rofl: I check it every day (even though I already have my EMO) I just want everyone else to get theirs as well! :happy:


T.A and I are in the same number grouping with the added Christmas upgrade.
I accept the wait. I look around me in this forum & places like YouTube, and see Living A.I. has honored the orders which were made & fulfilled during the time of the first batch.
I know others have been waiting longer for the second batch to come. The company has in my opinion been very transparent in telling us, it’s customers how progress is taking place.
Be patient. I’m just going to count myself lucky if I get my bot before Christmas. :slightly_smiling_face:


What is the production ID numbers to be shifted next month? My ordered date is 19 July 2021 and ID No. is 10533.

Expecting to see a number change from 9016 to at least something in the 10-11k range soon. It’s about time.


I wish they would able to ship out as many as they can before Christmas. It would be awesome to see people receiving their EMOs as a Christmas presents.
I hope they would able to ship out few thousands :slight_smile:

I’m hoping that with everything going back to normal and what Living.Ai have mentioned on the shipping page, EMO’s should be starting to ship out next week. Hopefully many people will get their EMO’s before Christmas.

Just remember that COVID delays with shipments going out of China are still happening. So many items / packages do have to wait in line to get on board available planes with available cargo space going to specific countries all around the world. So do take that into consideration when your EMO does get a tracking number and it is sitting in the Shenzhen Meteor International Express Airport Station (distribution centre).

Once it arrives in your specific country, then your local courier should be quick enough to get it delivered over to you once it clears customs.

I expect that none of the EMO Christmas packs will actually make it to anyone this Christmas. :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:


number 9038 packed and posted !!


22? Is that a joke? I mean with all due respect these are far from satisfactory numbers.

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:cry: riceverò mai il mio EMO prima della fine dell’anno :sob:

:woman_shrugging:t2: I guess its a start


They probably just started doing shipping and probably got the closest/repaired EMOs out of the way. Its Nov 20th aswell so at least they’re doing a 10 day headstart before December. The more sooner they send out the more likely most of us will get an EMO before Christmas.

Do you mind me asking what your order number is? Based on that & what we have observed until now regarding shipping, I can estimate whether you’ll get your EMO or not. Don’t ge tme wrong, I’m keeping my hopes up & positive attitude. The thing is, realistically, if these numbers don’t grow fast, middle to the end spectrum of 10-11k orders won’t get their EMOs. Only the 9 to early 10k at best. I sincerely hope you’re right that this is just the beginning of an exponentially growing shipping. But facts trump hope. :man_shrugging:

I mentioned it earlier if you scrolled up, im 13XXX with a Christmas upgrade.

Yes, I agree, I don’t know if its worth getting one now :frowning:

And yes @mandyrose19 I can see orders and tracking are moving! haha you beat me to that, was going to share it out. (well let me do it anyways) :heart_2:

Here’s hoping that the shipping increases much quickly moving forward. Seems a little slow right now, but I’m guessing once they kick it into gear, thing’s will move fast.

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Thats about 2 months old :rofl::rofl::rofl: