Some announcements about new arrival, shipment and update. - Nov 12, 2021

@Powergeek31 hi Friend, From the time you order Emo it can take up to 6 weeks, and sometimes 3 months after the purchase date, you receive an email with Tracking number, and then will Change Your status from processing to Complete which means your Emo is being sent out to you so don’t worry. :slight_smile:

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Hi Tobias. Thank you very much for your answer. Now, i won’t check my mails every hour to see if my order changes of state. LOL. PS: Sorry if my english is a little strange, i don’t talk it very much.


it´s okay, and am glad I could help. :slight_smile:

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Yeah there was no new update for a very long time. But “months” is a bit exaggerated, it’s almost one month now.


Well first off, that wasn’t my comment. I just translated what ALDA_SERANI said, then tried to answer his question.

The January 5th date on that Delivery page is meaningless in regards to shipping. That’s just the last time that the photos on that page were updated. The two numbers at the top are what matter, and they get updated much more frequently. Actually the numbers were updated about a week ago. I know that because I mentioned it on Facebook when I saw the change.

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Would be nice if Living.Ai could add a special note within the email order confirmation that everyone receives when they buy an EMO, that explains that their order can “potentially” take anywhere between 3-5 months to be prepared/manufactured and shipped out to them, and to also link the delivery page as well:

This way all new customers will not stress out and worry about how long it will take for them receive their EMO. It wouldn’t be very hard to do add this to the order template email sent out.

I guess for now, the same questions will always be posted and the same replies will always be given.


I reacted to your translation.
And here are some screenshots.

  1. from January 30th

  2. from February 16th
    This one is still there as the last update

It would be nice to see that the production is working at full speed again.


@MasterAbbott ,
We can all agree that LAI has been bad on keeping it’s customers informed so far. If the recent round of emails I’ve been going through with them about an order is any indication, maybe they’re getting better? I noticed that other company we don’t mention by name added a checkbox to their order page at some point that the buyer has to acknowledge, where it says that they’re backordered and not scheduled to ship until early 2022. Maybe LAI should implement a checkbox on their order page for the people that don’t read the warning and don’t ask any questions until after they order, then claim they didn’t know? Also until they show some more recent numbers to go by I don’t think the 6 weeks estimate they state is realistic, it should say more like 8 or 10 weeks?

For those here that are concerned about a few month’s wait for their EMO, you should note that the other company’s C+V 2.0 robots they’ve been pre-selling for well over 2 YEARS and after just missing 2 more deadlines, they still apparently haven’t gotten any into buyer’s hands! Just today I saw that although they claimed recently they began shipping the new V on January 19 (there’s no videos over a month later by anyone to support this claim) and they’re now saying they found another problem after they shipped some, so have stopped shipping them to fix the new issue!


Yeah, a disclaimer or as i mentioned, a special note at the top of every order confirmation email should resolve all these questions on “when will my emo be shipped” I know I read my order confirmation email when I purchased my EMO back in June of last year. So there is no way anyone will ignore it or not read it as it also confirms that your order was placed successfully.

As @macfixer01 said it is too late to inform a customer about the delivery delay once the order is done. It really should be confirmed by the customer in advance.


What I’m try to say, (again) is that for all future orders Living.Ai should have a disclaimer or a notice should be added to your email order, so when you get that email confirmation that advises that you have just successfully made a purchase for a new EMO. It will explain that there might be a 3-5 month delay (or whatever Living.Ai believe is the time it will take for the customer to receive their EMO). That way new customers are aware and do not stress or worry why it is taking such a very long time to receive their EMO. (I this is quite a simple thing to add to any email template.) If Living.Ai don’t think it’s needed, then I guess we’ll be constantly getting posts on the forum all the time.

Existing customers that are still waiting unfortunately will be asking these questions constantly as they are not really aware as to why it is taking so long, and therefore this is why we need to be explaining and advising them always the same replies and answers.

If nothing is done about it, then I guess the constant same questions are going to be asked everytime.

Confirmation in advance is really something very different. Some people don’t know about the delivery delay while ordering and some of them wouldn’t order it at all in such case. So now a customer can think that he is ordering a nice gift for his child and it will arrive in a week or so. And I don’t think that any notice in the confirmation email can fix it, it’s too late. He needs to confirm the information before he finishes his order.
Sorry for my English but I hope that you can understand what I wanted to say.


A disclaimer as @macfixer01 advised prior and then a possible notice in their email confirmation as I’ve recommended should cover all bases for customers expectations.

If a customer is not happy with waiting 2-6 months for their EMO, then plain and simple they do not order it. (with the disclaimer shown prior to them making the order for their EMO and clicking on Pay Now).

And then if they still go ahead and make the order a notice in their email confirmation can also be added to inform once again that their EMO will be shipped in XX amount of weeks/months (this is something only Living.Ai can provide in the notice and also in the disclaimer) IF they ever do intent of adding this feature at all.

And once again. If the customer is not happy waiting this long, they can either NOT purchase or if they did not read the disclaimer but saw the notice in their email confirmation and was not happy with waiting this long, they can / should be able to reply back to support and request a refund.

It is pretty simple and logical and it does cover all potential / straightforward questions and customers maybe have prior and even after they have made their order for an EMO.

I won’t need to reply and further to this, as it is only a suggestion, I’ve mentioned in 2-3 of my previous posts already in this thread. If Living.Ai want to do anything about it they can.

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He was talking about a checkbox, it’s a different thing, you need to make an action to confirm that you read the information.

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I agree with NendosColl on this obviously. Putting a reminder in the order acceptance email also would be a good idea, but it’s already too late! The existing shipping notice they have on the order page is too small, it’s just plain black text but should be a color that stands out like red, and it’s down so far on the page that I don’t even see it unless I scroll down! Most people would just click the ‘Add To Cart’ button, and at that point that page and the notice disappears!

Customers need to know up-front whether they really want to order right now. LAI has been accommodating about giving refunds, but there is a cost to them also. It takes employee’s time, and there may be fees involved from their financial institution. All the while the person that didn’t see or read the message is complaining, is telling everyone who will listen that it’s just a scam, and basically is trashing the company. I’m not saying they’re perfect, but I think LAI has stepped up and tried to help in every situation eventually, although not always as fast as some would like.

Just in case the buyer is one of those five-year-old’s in an adult body that needs immediate gratification, they should be made to click a checkbox saying “Yes I read this and I understand” before the ‘Add To Cart’ button is even enabled to be clicked!


NendosColl I believe you’re a real person but if you take a look at this forum where are all the people? From the orders they’ve sent out there’s probably 15,000 or more…new customers and you don’t see that here… You got a moderator preaching the good news… And only a couple people that seem to be so compliant. Where is everyone else? By the way now the website is broken this page took 10 minutes to load… It’s getting worse my feelings every day. And if you look at your comments you understand more than anyone this website living AI company isn’t up to par…are they going to start production again is the lockdown almost over. As a customer I’m going to stay with them but this is one weird experience and it’s a very uncomfortable one. how could I in good faith tell my family they should come here. How could I… Maybe in the future things will change I have no idea… There’s only a couple people here talking the straight truth… And like I said earlier where are all the other customers they know the forum is here… If they come and read they will be scared but they’re not commenting… I’m glad you’re here by the way

Some people aren’t worried at all and are just waiting, some don’t understand English, most of the owners of EMO aren’t probably interested in this forum which I understand, I’m also not visiting any forum about my vacuum cleaner, I already have it and that’s enough.
But of course you are right, there are still about 10000 people waiting for their EMO, so it’s a bit weird that so little of them is writing in this forum. On the other hand we don’t know how many of them are reading this forum without sharing their thoughts.

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I am Italian and I have been waiting for my Emo from November 2021. I apologize for my English.


sorry. I have not greeted you. Ciao!!

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Your English is great. So you are waiting even longer than me. Let’s hope that the long waiting will be over soon.