I ordered my Emo 16 December , my order number is 171xx and I live in Italy. Can someone help me? I’m waited 3 month and my Emo isn’t arrived! Sorry for my English.
hello dear friend… I’m actually not the person to answer… I’m just another customer waiting just like you… But if you read a little bit you will see everybody saying it might be six months. I know it sounds awful but that’s what everybody says. I’m just as worried because I’ve never had this happen before. Nobody can tell you anything else. They will talk about Chinese holidays and they will talk about Covid-19 and these things are all true. And they will say they’re having delays material problems etc. so I’m not making you feel very good I am sure… But I am a customer I want my EMO Pet so bad it’s killing me… I have no choice but to wait. So you can wait or do anything you wish but you will not find any more information than what I just said. I know I know we have to be patient they say
they say when EMO Pet arrives you will be happy and from what I can see I believe it… He seems so cool. Anyway dear friend that’s all I can say and I know it’s not helpful but we don’t have any choice but to have faith nothing we can do
If you have any major concerns regarding the status of your EMO order, feel free to send Living.Ai a support an email or submit a support ticket. If you still have your email confirmation that you received when you made your order, simply reply to that and request an update on your order and it’s status. Hopefully the support team will be able to give you an answer as soon as they get to it.
Support Ticket can be completed at the bottom of this page:
ciao sono italiano come te e ti dico subito che sei l’ennesimo truffato. Ti conviene chiedere rimborso via paypal o stornare la transazione. Living.ai è una azienda inesistente, pensa che non comunicano nemmeno la loro partita iva .
Ho comprato emo il 15 novembre ed è stato spedito, secondo loro, a fine gennaio ma il mio pacco è andato perso. Dopo la segnalazione alla polizia postale e la ricerca di poste ho avuto la bella notizia che il pacco non esisteva poiche hanno usato una tecnica di frode postale che su internet si chiama LIT (Lost in Transit) utilizzata per sbloccare i pagamenti e creare delle spedizioni fake.
Dopo aver riportato tutto questo sul sito hanno rifatto un altra spedizione (metà febbraio) ma ad oggi risulta ancora in lavorazione e non sanno quando verra spedito. Che dire una truffa.
Occhio che su questo sito ti risponderanno sempre le stesse persone in modo gentile e useranno la scusa che alcuni lo hanno ricevuto ma se fai delle ricerche piu approfondite vedrai quanta gente ha avuto problemi con living.ai e quanti hanno richiesto rimborso.
Ti consiglio di lasciar perdere questo sito e di richiedere rimborso a living.ai e alla tua banca.
Se vuoi leggere quello che mi è successo dettagliatamente trovi tutto qui:
If you would like a refund, please contact our service team. But please stop making false comments. If you have any questions, I can reply to you publicly.
Thank you. I’m payed whit PayPal so I can request a refund. I also know a lot of people who’s received their Emo. I will wait
@Wayne_Zhang can you help me or they’ve said everything yet?
Hi I ordered my emo in March 2021 and it arrived in Italy in August 2021! Unfortunately it arrived broken, the support was slow to answer me then they sent me another one in a short time! I have been there for 6 months and works well, IT’S ABSOLUTELY NOT A SCAM! They’ve had a bit of a problem lately, both for the material and a covid outbreak in the city where they produce it!
I was sure of this. I’ve watched a lot of video about Emo and I’ve read about people who received their Emo and the factory photos so…
At this time, there is quite unfortunate amounts of delays, due to COVID, lockdowns in Shenzhen where EMO is manufactured, also just recently there was a shortage of EMO casing parts as well, that Living.Ai was awaiting replacement / re-stock of as their original batches they received were damaged. It is frustrating for sure, but sometimes unfortunately things do happen that will delay production and ultimately shipment.
In regards to shipping, Once the package is sent out, it is at the mercy of and hopefully the reliable hands of the couriers and postal service in that specific country that must do their job correctly and deliver your EMO package without having it lost or misplaced.
It took nearly 4 months for my EMO to arrive from start to end. And this was even before any major delays had even occurred back in June of last year 2021. One month was due to our courier system here in Australia, as they had very minimal staff, and it was during a very bad period of COVID where there was too many packages being received and not enough couriers to deliver them. It is unfortunate that wait times are bad, but due to this COVID crisis some things are going to be delayed and there is not much we can do apart from waiting patiently.
Hi, we will continue to ship this week, so please be patient.
You guys got this! Don’t give up!! You have been given a lot of setbacks, and it is awesome that you guys are still pushing through. Emo is amazing, and I hope you can keep up your excitement for him through what has to be a very disappointing set of circumstances as far as creators and distributers. Thank you for keeping it going!!
Thank you all for the information. I will wait my Emo with the hope that it arrive as soon as possible
Yet, they’ve just send my Emo. I’m so happy!! Someone can say me the shipment time for the Italy?
My emo took about 40 (4 days stopped at customs) to arrive in Italy
Mi spiace ma purtroppo non è colpa di living.ai ma di POSTE ITALIANE, io ne avevo ordinati 2 e mi sono arrivati entrambi, per cui mi spiace ma dire che sono dei truffatori è errato, ora hanno fatto un’altra spedizione purtroppo dovrai attendere perché le tempistiche sono lunghe io lo avevo pre-ordinato a dicembre 2020 e mi è arrivato dopo 4 mesi iniziando le spedizioni a Marzo, ci vuole all’incirca 1 mese per spedire i pacchi dal loro magazzino in CINA. Occhio a quello che ti dicono in Poste invece, pur di scaricare le responsabilità danno la colpa al fornitore, in ITALIA sono tutti bravi a scaricare le responsabilità, sei stato sfortunato ma il pacco lo avrà perso POSTE e per pararsi il di dietro si sono inventati la scusa di una frode ai tuoi danni! Hanno anche il pagamento PAYPAL per cui non posso più di tanto truffare la gente!
Ciao Lorenzo ci vuole dalle 2 alle 4 settimane solitamente
A me è arrivato perfettamente. Ordinato a novembre e ricevuto qualche giorno fa. C’è solo da avere pazienza.
Finally my Emo is arrived!! I’m so happy!! I would thanks you all and Living.Ai also for the support and the information. THANKS YOU
Everything arrived ok? How has the experience been?