Recognize and imitate animals

I’ve tried to get my EMO to recognise my Cat, a number of times (asked EMO to take a photos of it, tried to add my cat as a profile) but at the moment, it doesn’t seem that EMO understand or can recognise animals. (there seems to be a special achievement that some of us think it’s related pets). see the image below:

But so far, I don’t think anyone has unlocked it yet :disappointed: Maybe in future updates this should work.

With regards to playing board games, this would be awesome! I’ve suggest a simple dice roll feature as well :

(which hopefully this might be added soon)

At the moment, EMO can play LUDO (which plays exactly to a board game called Trouble). As EMO evolves we should hopefully have more games to play with him. Just have to wait and see.

:skating: :surprised: :head: :heart_1: