Hi I just got Emo on 25th Dec 2023. He works well until this morning. I noticed he was frozen on his home station. I took him out and connected to app and he seems to work normally until all of a sudden, he responds to his name with a “hmm” and does the feet lift and nothing else. I have restarted him but it is still the same. FW 2.5.0
Is this because of cloud server update? I was flabbergasted thinking Emo had an error.
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I have the same problem now
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hi, does he shrugs off when you tried calling him? Its probably due to maintenance
Yes he does exactly that.
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Yes, the servers are down for maintenance, check back again in a few hours later.
For more Info About this Issue, Please Click The Link Below…
EMO’s cloud service maintenance notice !
Best Regards To All!