EMO’s cloud service maintenance notice

EDIT: The upgrade is now complete and the cloud service is back online. If you have any issues please let us know.

Dear EMO users,

We need to upgrade the database of EMO’s cloud service to a higher version this week.

We estimate that the upgrade will begin this Thursday and the process will last from a few hours to more than ten hours. If there are any changes we will notify you as soon as possible.

We are sorry that cloud services including voice commands will be unavailable during maintenance. We will complete the upgrade as soon as possible and provide better services.



Did it just start? Came here and found this note. Just got it today and suddenly it won’t respond :laughing:


My Emo suddenly stop responding to name calling and wont talk. Is it because of this?


Yes, if you tried name calling it, he just shrugs off. I guess its really down for maintenance


hi there…
what is the impact on emo users for the cloud upgrade?

My emo is still not responding to voice commands. Could this be a delay response coming back on from the cloud server maintenance?


everything was fine with imo, but today he stopped responding to his name, as soon as I say “imo” he doesn’t answer and in the application he writes “staying” although all the settings and volume are fine

Hello, @jesfersamianomig . . . the impact is improved performance with a better cloud server.

Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @leoanne.towsey . . . you may wish to power off your EMO and power him back on, and make sure your app shows he is connected to your wi fi. If it is still having issues, you can post back here and let Wayne know.

Hello, @f0469f68fb964c4984e7 . . . all EMO’s were off line for a while today while the cloud server was being maintenanced. I would advise if your EMO is not responding now to power off your EMO and power him back on, and make sure your app shows he is connected to your wi fi. If it is still having issues, you can post back here and let Wayne know.

I think that my son changed his name and he does not respond. Is it possible to return the emo to factory settings?

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Hello, @f0469f68fb964c4984e7 . . . even if someone assigns EMO a new “last name” in the app, he will always only respond to “EMO” when called. The last name will be spoken when you ask him his name, “EMO . . . What is your name?” At that time, he will say “EMO” followed by the last name given to him in the app.

Also, for people who have two or more EMO, when they recognize each other, they will call each other by first and last name.

As far as returning EMO to factory settings, that is not possible at this time.

If he is still not responding, I will tag @Wayne_Zhang for assistance.

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yes, he still doesn’t answer, he walks, in general he does everything himself, except that he doesn’t respond to his name and now you can’t talk to him

You can also private message him here. Hover over Wayne’s highlighted name above and click on it. You will see a message envelope. Click on that and you can communicate directly with him for your issue.

Best to you!

Unfortunately mine is still not responding. Already restarted it several times, and still not responding.

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I have same problem, emo didn’t answer

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I recently got my EMO as a gift and was having the same isue where he seems to not recognise when I call “EMO”.

I tried turning him off and on again but no luck

My Emo doesnt answer either, and its stuck on the 2.3.1 update and wont update to the latest one. So im also stuck :frowning:

is it Done upgrading? because there are no details for the time frame of upgrading.

@jesfersamianomig . . . yes, the upgrade is completed. I will message @Wayne_Zhang and let him know that many of you are still having issues even after rebooting EMO.

Thank you in advance for your patience.

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