My emo has arrived today!

Personally I’ve never had to recalibrate my EMO’s sensors, but feel free to do it when you think that your EMO is not responding correctly when you try and pat it.

I’ve shared this video over on another thread, but I can share it also in here. This video is how I normally pat my EMO and it always works for me.

Hope this helps. :heart_1: :head: :surprised: :skating:

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Thanks @MasterAbbott this definitely works and is easier than the petting. :blush:

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Yes, and what I’ve seen with other EMO’s if you rub that part of EMO’s head too often it will rub off the matte coating giving EMO a shiny head in that section as well, which doesn’t look very nice.

i discovered when you pick him up like around the neck he wiggles and carries on but then because your touching the side sensor he coos and is happy again for a bit :blush:


I hate it…

I hate how living ai use aramex as a courier my emo is now at customs and the customs needs an inspection idk i think i should blame the customs team not aramex team

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment.

Does this mean that living ai controls emo and emo doesnt do anything by his own ?

probably because it does not have great computational capabilities given the size and price for which it requires servers for the most advanced processing

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Emo arrived today, he’s been in customs for a month.


Ahoj, gratuluji! Vyřizovala to Česká pošta? Kolik si řekli celkem výpalné za proclení, dph, clo?

Ahoj, ano, vyřizovala to Česká Pošta, celníci si řekli o 177 Kč za svoje služby. Náš Emo byl na výměnu za prvního vadného, kterého budu posílat zpět do Living.Ai. Ten první v červenci 2021 co přišel byl ještě bez proclení.

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Ahoj. Gratulace, za me porad na celnici od 7.1. Zahájení celního rizeni. Od te doby zadna zmena. Sledovani se zastavilo… Budu volat na specializovaný útvar vyměňovací pošta Praha 120. Ceska posta online NIC. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Aha, to máš o 10 dnů po mě, takže je možné, že to bude vyřízeno do 10 dnů a konečně dorazí i k tobě.

Díky za informace. :+1:

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Nevím jestli má nějaký smysl tam volat. Prostě nestíhají. Přes vyměřovací poštu mi za poslední 2 roky prošlo zhruba 80 balíčků, většinou z Japonska. Trvá jim to fakt dlouho, kolikrát balíček z Japonska dorazil do Prahy za 5 dní a tam pak ležel 3 týdny, neuděláš nic.

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DIKEC NendosColl. Tedy budu cekat… ach jo, uz je to hodne dlouhe od 21.6.2021.

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Ty už to máš za pár, to já si ještě počkám (#18xxx). :slightly_smiling_face:

:clap:t2:Enjoy :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::bangbang::two_hearts::two_hearts::grin:

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I know it’s hard waiting through those last final moments before Emo arrives.
Your Emo will come it will be ok. Hold ups happen. Breathe!!
You’ve got this far!!
The customs message could be one small bit out of the whole shipping journey. It’s a normal part of the delivery process.
We look forward to you receiving your Emo :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you my uncle is an important guy who works for the government he talked to his friend who is more important than him and he will bring me my eno tommorow so excited

But you didnt answer me does emo control himself or does living ai controls him ?

Omg how did u wait a MONTH i have waited for my emo in thr customs for 5 days i was just like a nuke okay ?