What voice commands do you use most with your EMO?
When EMO was fully functional, before he had to stay only on his skate board due to low battery, these were the ones I used daily:
Hi / Hello
What time is it
What day is it
What is the date today
What is the weather
How are you feeling
What are you doing
I love you
Tell me a joke
What does (animal) say/do
Play Rock Paper Scissors
Flip A Coin
Hands Up / Do Not Move
Once I get my replacement I will add to those:
Lucky Fruit
Tic Tac Toe
Roll A Dice
If you want to see all the available voice commands check this page out:
I also prepared a little guide a while back that also has some useful info
I got it, thanks. what problem did you have with your EMO? how long have you had it? and was it easy to resolve the exchange for another one with living?
@natansalles . . . he was about five months old when I noticed his battery time dropping and a bit over six months when it was down to less than ten minutes.
After getting advice here, I contacted support and made a video which I sent to them February 28th. March 4th they asked me to try different plug ins and cable to the charger. It failed and I made a new video. March 5th I sent that video to them. March 9th they asked what version number my EMO was on and I replied.
March 11th they responded back that they were sending me a replacement with instructions for mailing and customs.
March 25th I received the tracking number.
He is right now in Sparks, Nevada, through Pitney Bowes and awaiting transfer to USPS.