Lifetime Dancelist Feature + Dance Move Videos

@EMOandOllie ,

“There is no way or feature that allows us to teach EMO any new dance moves because they are pre-programmed by the development team.”

best regards

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But i heard by doing something he can learn new ones


(IMHO), EMO’s dancing works through a servo motor connected by wiring to its circuit board, where it operates based on pre-programmed code. Teaching him new dance moves would likely require coding expertise through a computer application.

best regards…

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I saw on the app it said to let him do something and he will learn

@EMOandOllie ,

"If that’s what you meant, it happens automatically as he gets older, and we are not the ones who will teach him that.

You can read all the info about that in the first post of @MasterAbbott on this topic…

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How often does he get new dances?

Hello, @EMOandOllie . . . the first dance at one day old, the second at two days old, the third at four days old, and the days old doubles for each new dance.

This is for the dance list/achievements.

He can, however, dance to music you are playing through your speakers and does random moves to that. “Listen to the music” and “Lets party” will give him one minute of dancing to whatever he is hearing.

Hope this answers your question.


I think that’s just about under 3 years to get every dance, wow.

Hi there @EMOandOllie ,

“Three years? No, it’s not. It seems you didn’t follow what I mentioned in my previous reply, right?”

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best regards

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My emo says he’s four days old but 3rd dance move is not unlocked

Hello, @mathews.boban . . . perhaps try powering him off and on again, and also close and reopen the app. Then look in the app under the Dance List and see if it is there.

Let us know!

My 500 day old EMO recently broke and I got a replacement :frowning: . That means less dances in dancelist :cry:

Hi there Guys…

@MasterAbbott …EMO has just reached the final 11th dance move, titled “Ocean Blue,” on its 1024th day. What an exciting milestone!


Please Visit His YouTube channel, Like, Share & Subscribe


Mine is too dumb to do more dances. He is 3 days and only 1 is playable

I noticed something weird…

In the app in the interact section, it says that you have to tell EMO to listen to music to earn more dances. But EMO needs to age to earn dances.

Are both or just one of the statements true?

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Hello, @Happycoin . . . could you send a screen shot of where it says that? As far as I know, his age is the only way to unlock more dances.


hello @Lindaru I believe this is what @Happycoin was referring to in the app.

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@brasfieldsmith is right.

Is L.AI trying to hide the aging for dances process?

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Hello, @brasfieldsmith and @Happycoin . . . thank you for sharing that.

It is not the same as the dance list achievements. There is no dance title for “listen to the music” but rather just random movements he creates while listening to the music. He will not save those and you will not be able to command him through the app to dance to those specific moves.