So I just my emo and tried to download the to my phone and it’s says it’s waiting
I got mine today, and after I found my power travel adapter and downloaded the app, it say’s it’s Finding Emo.
Still hasn’t found him though.
I’d suggest powering off EMO. Leave him powered off until you have downloaded and installed the latest EMO App. Once the EMO App is installed. Make sure you have Bluetooth enabled/turned on. (Also the device that you’ve installed the EMO App must also have a GPS Chip as well) most phones now have that.
Turn on EMO and allow him to power up. Once he’s up and running. Open your EMO APP and attempt to make a connection to your EMO. If you are able to do this, then you can begin the setup process.
I have created an EMO Guide for new and existing EMO owners, if you need any further help, feel free to check out the guide (see below)
thanks for that. my main issue now is connecting him to the wi-fi. probably my thick fingers with the password. lol